Aberius: *peeks around corner* M... Master...? o.o
Me: *turns around* Hm...?
Aberius: Um... I think I was being too hasty before...
Me: About what...? =o.o=
Aberius: Er... I... <.< *launches at Kitty* I CAN'T BREAK UP WITH YOU, AFTER ALL!!! >.<
Me: ... =o.o= ... EHH?! =OAO;=
Aberius: I'm sorry Master... I'm just really confused right now... It's bad enough that my identity is still forming but... GIRLS ARE COMING ONTO ME LEFT AND RIGHT!!! OAO;;;
Me: I-I see... =o__o;=
Aberius: But, it's not possible for me to break up with you, Master... I mean, that'd be like an arm trying to break away from it's body... >.>
Me: I guess so... =^^;=
Abbie: Can...? *fidgets* Can I stay with you...? o_o;
Me: ... =oAo= <3 Uh... sure? =^_^;=
Abbie: Master! *glomps* ^u^ <33
Me: ... I'm so very confused right now... =^_^;= But what are you gonna do when you find a gijinka you like in the club or elsewhere...? =o.o=
Aberius: I won't break up with you ouo I'll just go out with her. ^_^
Me: Wait... What? XD;;
Aberius: Um... cuz it's kinda impossible to break up with your creator, anyway... ^_^;
Me: Wait... so are you saying all my creations and I are dating...? =O_O;= Even the girls?
Raine, Alegra, Miu, Rei, Sai, Rinwauld, Keri, Riku, Tooha, Liam, Reed, Dahlo, Tokeko, Ukeshi: Yeah, pretty much...
Me: *brain explodes* I'm sure anyone reading this is even more confused than I am... XD;; But oh well... =^_^= Come on everybody, group hug!
All Creations: Yay~! *glomps Kitty*
Me: Though I'm sure I've forgotten some cretions... =>.>;=
Forgotten Creations: ... *sobs* orz
Me: =OAO;= I should draw those guys... and wait XD;; Anyone who isn't a gijinka should not be hanging around here, you know?
Non-Gijinka Characters: Aww... ;_; *shuffles out*
Me: ... So, yeah, ANYWHO! XD I guess all's well that ends well =^_^=
Aberius: *hugs Kitty* Yup, that's right, hun. We'll see y'all later! *waves*
It seems to be true... =;_;= I Aberius hasn't been staring after me, or asking "Master, let's go on a romantic rendevous!" anymore =;^;= But lately, he's been blushing moreso around a certain young gijinka he's become friends with...
Aberius: Master! OAo; what are you talking about?!
Me: I'm talking about you and Bel-
Aberius: STOP RIGHT THERE! *covers Kitty's mouth* >_<;
Me: Mmph mmh mmmphhh...!
Aberius: Look... Things are changing, Master... o_o;;; Plus, you haven't shown me much love lately, anyway. I... I think we should see other people! >_<; *uncovers Kitty's mouth*
Me: ... =OAO= ... What...? What the...? =OAO;;= We weren't even dating...! =OAO;;=
Aberius: That's the problem! o__o; I'm a man, I have needs...
Me: ... I have to say, I'm thoroughly shocked... =o__o;;=
Aberius: I'm sorry I had to tell you this way, Master... I still care about you, though. *pats Kitty's shoulder and walks off*
Me: *speechless* ... =OAO= ... How pathetic am I that one of my own creations has just dumped me...? =o__o;= Now I'm depressed... By the way, stay away from Aberius, he's in heat XD
Aberius: *shouts from far away* I AM NOT!!! >A<;
Me: Well, I'm off to go pick up the pieces of my broken heart... And I guess Abbie's going to go out and try to sew his wild oats XD;; *sobs* orz
1. You must choose only ONE of your OCs. Do it again if you wanna use another OC.
2. Your OC must answer every question as truthfully as possible.
3. Title the journal as "OCs Quiz (your OCs name)".
4. When you're done, tag as many people as you want.
5. Have fun!!!
1. Hi! What's your real name and nickname?
Aberius. Lots of girls call me Abbie.
2. Interesting... what's your current age?
I'm 22.
3. Uh huh. What's your favorite food?
Oran Berries, actually. Apples are a close second.
4. And your favorite drink?
Oran berry/Apple juice.
5. Confession time! Who's your crush/lover?
Master... <3
6. Aww! Have you two kissed yet?
What do you think? *grins and wiggles eyebrows* *gets punched*
7. Classic question! What's your favorite color?
8. Who's your favorite author?
I don't read... o_o;
9. Now what's your biggest fear?
Killing the one I love after losing control...
10. *stifles a giggle* I'm not laughing *bursts out laughing* Sorry. Any siblings?
*stares at quizmaster like they're crazy for laughing* No, I'm an only child... o_O;
11. Almost, it's only twenty questions. Who's your hero?
My father... wherever he is...
12. Ok, who is your worst enemy?
... Meat...
13. What would you do if your hero and your worst enemy got together?
... He'd eat it.
14. Interesting... what would you do if you met your creator?
Well first I'd hold her, then I'd kiss her.. Then we'd do this, that, and the other thing. <3 *grins, then gets punched*
15. Okay, I'll contact them right now. Done! Now, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Um... alive? ... Maybe a father.
16. What's your worst nightmare?
Losing Master...
17. What's your lifelong dream?
Finding my father again. At least to see if he's okay.
18. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true?
I don't know...
19. Ok, where's your favorite place to relax?
In a tree by a pond someplace quiet.
20. Last question! What do you spend most of your time doing?
Surviving off the land.
21. We're done! Now tag whoever you want. DO IT!
Uhh... Gil, Lux, Moyasu, Lupe and Estelle.
Raine the Ralts' profile =D
Pokemon: Ralts
Name: Raine
Age: 18
Birthday: August 5
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Hair color: Light Green
Hair length: Short, bob-cut style
Eye color: Violet-pink
Skin tone: light peach
Type of Pokemon: Psychic
Gender: Female
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 103 lbs
Held item: Twisted Spoon
Relationships: She knows Aberius indirectly through the same Master, but Aberius has never met her before and doesn't know her relationship to his Master right off.
Attacks: Growl, Confusion, Double Team, Teleport, Lucky Chant, Magical Leaf, Healing Wave and Calm Mind
Personality: She's a very shy, cute girl. She wants people to get along all the time and gets scared around people with negative emotions. She's usually quiet, but when something comes up that she feels strongly about, she'll speak up about it, then realize immediately what she did and hide. She gentle and kind once you get to know her. She has a case of claustrophobia.
Hometown: Route 34
Likes: Happiness, sweets, bubble baths/hot springs, dancing when no one's looking
Dislikes: Extreme anger, poachers, bad guys, the smell of oil/gas, being trapped, people being mean
Fears: Being kidnapped, people getting mad, enclosed spaces, losing important friends/family
Weaknesses: Speaking up when necessary, making friends, lifting heavy things
Strengths: Calming people down
Full Outfit: She wears white, shrine-maiden style pants and a white shirt with cut-outs around the shoulder that loops around the neck and ties in the back. The sleeves are flared at the ends. She also has a tail with cowlicked fur (kinda like how the back of the pants of an actual Ralts look)
Looks: n/a
Background: Raine lived peacefully on Route 34 with her mother and father. She was always a small girl that had trouble doing things and often failed and would cry. Her parents would always encourage her when she did. One time she was kidnapped by bad men with bad intentions. Fortunately, nothing went too far, however due to the trauma, she's now afraid of most men. Little boys she's fine with. It's mostly big men about her age or older. She met Kitty, the trainer who travelled with Aberius until recently, who taught her how to use her abilities. She was able to learn a lot and became somewhat stronger, though she was still reserved and quiet. One day, she was sent out to look for Aberius with a letter that Kitty had given her. She is currently searching for him now...

I'd been thinking...
Abbie: What's is it, Kitty? o.o
Me: Every time I listen to the song "Complication" by Rookiez is Punk'd, I think of several gijinkas in a band performing that song X3
Abbie: What? Who's in the band?
Me: Well, I'm thinking that Gil would be the lead singer...
Abbie: *slaps forehead* Of course, your precious Gil... -_-;
Me: Not so fast, Aberius, you're actually lead guitar and singing harmony, not to mention you do the rap solo
Aberius: Really? ... I'm awesome eue Ehehe
Me: *nods* and the rest of the band in my mind would be Moyasu on Bass, Hiro on drums, and Mear on the keyboard.
Abbie: That's an interesting combination... o.o Do we all even play instruments?
Me: Who cares?! XD You all do in my mind! X3
Abbie: Fair enough...
Me: Yup... so I was thinking... if I ever decided to make an AMV with those five PGR members, would the owners give me permission to do so? =^_^= I think it could be fun to do, but it'd take a looooong time and I would even really be able to do it for a long while if I really decided to. At the very least, I think I woud like to do a fanart of something like that. Naturally, school-related stuff comes first, but maybe in the distant (or not-so-distant) future I would be able to do an AMV if PGR's still going with the same members that it has now. X3
Aberius: I got a question...
Me: Shoot =o.o=
Aberius: What's the name of the band? o.o
Me: Good question. I was thinking along the lines of something like "The Half."
Abbie: You liar, that's exactly what you were thinking of naming it... I know you plotted this out *jiiii*
Me: Ahaha you got me X3 But it doesn't have to be stuck to just that name. If there are any other PGR member reading this, what do you think? =3 Got a name for this ficticious band? (Also, I have to listen to the song again and see if I got the instruments right, a keyboard can pretty much cover any other instrument at one time that's not there, like violins and such, but if there's an extra guitar or something, then there would have to be another member of PGR in the band X3 Keep in mind, I know NOTHING really about musical composition, I just use theory and my ears XD)
So really, what do you guys think about this random, yet somewhat planned, thought of mine =3
Aberius: Leave a comment so we know how sexy you think I am eue
Me: ABBIE!!! =>//_//<=
Abbie: X3 Ahaha