This is a world for my gijinka and is mostly aimed toward the Poke Gijinka Revolution club. =3 I'll post stuff involving my gijinka. You can find out stuff about Abbie and Raine! =D

Abbie: What if we don't have tails...?! oAo;

Raine: We both have tails, Aberius-kun...

Abbie: But Raltses aren't supposed to have tails! OAO;;

Me: Small insignificant details *waves hand* =^V^=



Aberius' Profile
Raine's Profile

Other Things

PGR Relationships: Aberius
PGR Relationships: Raine

Stories So Far -- All stories of Aberius and Raine from start to present
Memories of the Past Archive -- List of all the Memories of the Past Posts (Aberius' Backstory)

PGR Related

Pokemon Gijinka Revolution - Our current club =3 Fun times to be had~
Poke Gijinka Revolution- The previous club World =D
PGR Poke Store-For when you feel like your PGR gijinka just doesn't have enough, shop here! XD

A Hint About Aberius...

There's something special about Aberius' character design, actually. (To be honest, it was a mistake, but I can use that mistake to my advantage =eue=)

Has anyone spotted this feature? It's something that sets him apart from normal Absol. I'll give you a little help with some links to his fanart.




You've probably already seen them, but observe Aberius closely then compare him to a regular Absol

Now compare them to the orignal Absol! Here!!!!!

If you get it, you get a request! (since requests are closed now for a while...) I might have to get to it next month, but you can get a request when I'm clearly not taking any more! (I have one more that I need to finish from before...)

So observe and then comment and see if you can guess what's different about Aberius! And no... it's not his horn. X3 I wonder if maybe putting a link to the original absol wouldn't make it too easy, though? XD;;

Memories of the Past: The Training Chronicles (Part 5)

Whaaaat...? She's being more active with the updates?! After making us all wait so long...?! XD Lolol I kid, I kid... But yep, I wanted to get another part up while it's still fresh for me and everybody else XDD Can't say I know any more on how th...

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Memories of the Past: The Training Chronicles (Part 4)

Er... I'm just uploading because it's been a while X3;; I haven't really thought too much on what'll happen in this part and since it's been a while, I dunno how it'll turn out, and it might wind up short... but let's see where the story takes us,...

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Aberius' 8 Facts

Found this on Kayu-chan's world X3

1. Post 8 facts about your character.
2. Tag 8 other characters.
3. Post their names with the creator's avatars.
4. No tag backs.
5. Re Post as, "*name*'s 8 Facts"

Chosen Oc: Aberius

1. I was persecuted by almost everyone in my village for being small and "abandoned" by my father
2. I don't eat meat, except apparently on my birthday, which is a bad omen
3. I'm in love with my Master
4. I've never played a "video game" o_o;
5. I get beaten up by Master a lot (though sometimes I enjoy it... >_>;;;)
6. I'm actually stronger than I once thought I was
7. I love Oran berries and Apples
8. Sometimes I just can't be bothered to talk to people... o___o

I tag whoever wants to do this XD

I Just Had a Thought...

... If absols have bladed horns on their head, would they have them when they're born? =o_o;= As I'm typing this, I remember that all pokemon come from eggs, but if the ones that look like mammals were born like mammals are, and absols have horns as babies... How is the mother going to feel...? =O__O;=

Abbie: I would think we would start growing horns until we're 2 years old... o_o;

That'd be a relief... I don't think any mother would want to push out a baby AND a blade... XD;;

Abbie: ... Master I worry about you sometimes... -_-;