Working... ~| 3

Cheruu is done being colored and lookin angry and smexy XD Now I'm workin on Wolfdemonchild9's request artwork. X3 No details, you'll have to wait, but I will say I love Abbie's expression in this one... He's cute and I want to glomp him! *does so*

Abbie: M-Master...! O///A///O~~~<3

*pets Abbie* And once that's done, it's on to my art trade with Shayde-kun. X3 It's getting dangerously close to the school year and I'm not happy about it... =TT_TT=

I'mma get some breakfast and get back to tha request, as I couldn't do anything on it yesterday... orz Oh wellz *shrugs* Mata! =D
