It seems to be true... =;_;= I Aberius hasn't been staring after me, or asking "Master, let's go on a romantic rendevous!" anymore =;^;= But lately, he's been blushing moreso around a certain young gijinka he's become friends with...
Aberius: Master! OAo; what are you talking about?!
Me: I'm talking about you and Bel-
Aberius: STOP RIGHT THERE! *covers Kitty's mouth* >_<;
Me: Mmph mmh mmmphhh...!
Aberius: Look... Things are changing, Master... o_o;;; Plus, you haven't shown me much love lately, anyway. I... I think we should see other people! >_<; *uncovers Kitty's mouth*
Me: ... =OAO= ... What...? What the...? =OAO;;= We weren't even dating...! =OAO;;=
Aberius: That's the problem! o__o; I'm a man, I have needs...
Me: ... I have to say, I'm thoroughly shocked... =o__o;;=
Aberius: I'm sorry I had to tell you this way, Master... I still care about you, though. *pats Kitty's shoulder and walks off*
Me: *speechless* ... =OAO= ... How pathetic am I that one of my own creations has just dumped me...? =o__o;= Now I'm depressed... By the way, stay away from Aberius, he's in heat XD
Aberius: *shouts from far away* I AM NOT!!! >A<;
Me: Well, I'm off to go pick up the pieces of my broken heart... And I guess Abbie's going to go out and try to sew his wild oats XD;; *sobs* orz