Question Corner: Session 3!

Okie dokie, so there weren't many questions this time around, why just we just jump right into them today, huh?!

Aberius: *pops party crackers unenthusiatically* -_-

Raine: *claps* ^^;

Okay! Our first question comes from Sim-chan, who asks:

%^% Aberius, is there anything you like about Bella? %^%

Aberius: What...? o__o; Um... She's nice...? Although she's a little too nice... like... She could be bolder or something... Y'know, more strong. Like Master ^_^

Me: Am I a measuring stick for girls...? =^_^;= That's not a good or accurate measurement to use... =^_^;;;=

Aberius: I think you're great, Master... o.o The only thing I'd change is that you kiss me more and punch me less... >_>;

Me: ... Moving on to our next question...! =^_^=

Aberius: *ignored* ;orz

Me: This is the only other question that was submitted to the gathering... Waku-chan asks:

%^% What do Abbie and Raine think of each other? %^%

Raine: Wh-what?! O////O U-um, we-well, I... Aberius-kun is nice and strong and protective and... and... *covers face* > ///<

Aberius: She's cute. And she's also nice. She does tend to speak her mind when something bothers her, which is good. Though she's a little shy... o~O; I find myself trying to pry things out of her. And because she's a "feeling" gijinka, it's calming to be around her. So I'd say she's pretty cool... Small chest, though.

Raine: O//A//O I... I... *looks down at chest* o//.//o; *sniffles* orz

Aberius: You're cuteness makes up for it though, Raine... o.O

Raine: O//v//O; *face explodes in a blush and faints* XvX <3

Aberius: Oy...! oAO; *fans Raine*

Me: ... Ahaha XD;; I think it's self explanitory enough =^_^;= Okay, that's all we have for this week! Be sure to come back next Friday to ask questions and the answers come on Saturday! (I'll try to put each post up in the morning rather than at night XD;;) Ja ne =^_^=

Aberius: *waves* o___o; *goes back to fanning Raine*
