I'd like to apologize for a little outburst I had from a recent post =>3>;= I'm not mad at anyone in particularly, but I was rather shocked at the events. If you can't tell, I'm kinda an emotional person and I reeeally get into things (I just cried at Auel's death in Gundam Seed Destiny =;A;=) Also, it kinda reminded me of a personal issue I have =>3>;= Usually relating to crushes... But I digress...
I snapped for a moment, and I type how I talk, more or less =^_^;= I have a bad history of speaking before I think, and I'd gotten better about not hurting people's feelings, but I kinda let it slip this time... I'm deeply sorry, and I didn't mean to upset anyone. =;_;= If it'd help, I can delet my comment from the post so it doesn't cause any more trouble.
Please forgive me.... I'm stupid like this sometimes...
Aberius: I honestly get too frustrated with her, sometimes... But she means well for the most part... <_<;
Raine: I'm not really upset... I'm also surprised, but I barely know Gil, so... And there's someone else I really... >////>
Aberius: Raine? You gotta speak up, we can't hear you... >_>;
Raine: >//////< *hides*
Me: Ahaha... on that note... Again, I'm sorry. I just got really emotional over something I shouldn't have. Don't bludgeon me XD (Or if it'd make you feel better, dont' hit my hands, head, or stomache XD;;) I love PGR and all the members =;u;= I just happen to be the village idiot XD Lol j/k (or not...) Anywho, I hope to continue posting and reading all the wonderful posts everyone else has to offer =3 I'm really glad to have joined the club, and I kinda think it was fate X3 Lol You guys think I'm crazy now, so I'll just end it here XD;; Mata ne, minna-san =;u;/=