Raine's voice

I can't believe I haven't done this sooner, especially considering I had them picked out before I even drew her XD;

Japanese voice:

Of course, it's good ol' Hinata X3 from Naruto. I got a Shippuden clip, so just watch from 30 until she faints XD lolz

Japanese singing voice:

Raine's beautiful singing voice is none other than Ai Otsuka. =3 Part of what made me think she'd fall for Aberius is this song. X3 Anytime I hear it, it makes me think that Raine is missing Aberius. <3

English voice:

Yeah... it's still Hinata XD I think she's probably one of the few characters in an anime where they actually get it right for both versions X3 lolz Same clip, just in English. Watch from beginning until... well, she faints XD

English singing voice:

Um.... I honestly don't listen to as much english music nowadays, so a proper voice doesn't come to mind right away. I'm sure there's something, but I can't think of it. XD;; If you guys have any suggestions for it, please feel free to let me know in a comment =3

Also, I'll try to work on Raine's post for PGR later tonight after I finish the last 3 parts of my 8-part assignment... XD;; until then, enjoy~
