OMG, Aberius~

15385bic drew an Aberius headshot as a request X3

It's just... I don't even X3

Aberius: It's not half bad... Although my hair has gotten long since the transformation incident... I guess I stopped paying attention to it. Should I cut it?

Me: Nuuu! Leave it longer~ X3

Aberius: ... But it tickles... =/

Me: You'll get used to it X3

Raine: o//o *also thinks it looks good*

Me: See? Raine's blushing~ X3

Raine: N-No, that's not... O///O;

Aberius: *blushes* Well, I guess I could leave it longer for just a bit more...

Raine: Aberius-kun... o//u//o

Me: Ah gee X3 But yeah, Biccy's so talented XD
