What can I say? Here's my interweb-diary-thingy that I will almost definitely screw up. I do plan to keep this every day, but if I can for a week Haru 93 says she'll give me a cookie as a present. Enjoy, if you can!

If, for some reason, you DO enjoy the daily ramblings of a crazed Teenager, by all means, let me know, I like to make new friends

Diary: Suspended

I'm really sorry for those of you who... for some reason... have been enjoying my Diary
I haven't posted in four days
And I can't remember that far back...
So there's not too much point in posting nothing, is there?

So for now on
My Personal Blog will just be filled in when I need to get something off my chest

My apologies :(

Diary, Day Forty


Dull, ordinary-bordering-on-bad day today
Maths first lesson
Got myself a detention for not working (If I don't understand something, I'd rather fail on my own than ask for help, and cause of that my grades are slipping)
So I turned up at break time (recess)
And was given a lecture, told to come back at lunch to do my work
So I did come back at lunch, and the other maths teacher who supervised me let me go early
But before the detention I had a Prefect Duty
So I wasn't able to eat all day
So... ugh

But yeah
I hope you guys had more fun than I did...

Diary, Day Thirty-Nine

Well our fan fic is yet to be published (at 7:15 pm)
And my other one is still under work (it's gonna be a long time!)
And my day was a reasonable, boring, normal day...
So there isn't really too much to talk about

Adam's off in France, school trip, and he can't text me cause he has no credit on his phone :

Diary, Day Thirty-Eight

Well, what an uneventful day this has been...

Me and Haru finished the project! It's now on both our worlds, and hopefully will soon be published!
I'm currently writing a new solo fan fic, which I won't give too much away about. It's going to be fairly long, and have lots of Gildas-esque humour in it :)

Well other than that, today was rather average, not much happened, played a few games, listened to some songs, all the usual. Talked to my awesome boyfriend (He apologizes for the message, Haru) and did some press-ups after straightening my hair (My arms have no muscle: I'm trying to change that)

So enjoy your lives people
And remember

Diary, Day Thirty-Seven

I'm keeping on track now!
Well I was pleasantly surprised when my fan fic was accepted a few days ago, and people seem to like it!
Mine and Haru's second joint Project, who'se name is known only to those closest to us, is nearing completion. There's a few twist, a few turns, and some major unexpected character personalities.

Today was an okay day. I got up at 11am, came online to MSN, checked myYearbook.com etc. Been listening to Disturbia all day... going crazy with rave-ness.

Also: I have a boyfriend! His name is Adam and he's really really sweet and kind, not bad looking either. He's fantastic, and I'm really really glad I met him.

As a little hint for the new fan fic (here's hoping Haru doesn't shoot me!) look out for some old characters, some favourites, and a few people known as Gemstones...

And lastly, I'd like to say a few words.

"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"

Lots of Love!