What can I say? Here's my interweb-diary-thingy that I will almost definitely screw up. I do plan to keep this every day, but if I can for a week Haru 93 says she'll give me a cookie as a present. Enjoy, if you can!

If, for some reason, you DO enjoy the daily ramblings of a crazed Teenager, by all means, let me know, I like to make new friends

Diary, Day Eleven

Sorry it's a little late, I got sidetracked with some other stuff
But yeah
School was fun, I had afterschool Dance practise
We have a choreography piece that needs to be done in ten weeks
Mines done already

Got home, played some games, talked to the usual crew
Played some more games
Listened to some music
Had some friends round...

Normal, everyday life really
Have fun!

Diary, Day Ten

On the Tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
One Otaku Post!

Today I woke up just before noon, and got my new wardrobe fitted
Spoke to Haru, Benny and all the rest, continued the project (which is getting closer and closer to completion) and played some games, listened to some music yada yada yada.

If you've been waiting for this project, I can assure you it's nearly done.
Enjoy your days, peoples!

Diary, Day Nine

Number Nine
Already! Wow
This... fortnight's going quick!
Me and Haru had some fun today
Talking about Final Fantasy and it's references
Continued our super-secret ultra-mega project, which is rather huge

Read some of Stephen King's THE SHINING
Talked to people on MSN
Made some more FF "References"
Talked about Ultimate Weapons...
End of story for today :)

Enjoy, peoples!
For my day of ultimate supreme stuff is coming!

Diary, Day Eight

Seriously cannot believe I've kept this up.
Still waiting for that cookie.
Listening to Gwen Stefani at the moment.
I can remember a 24 digit number!
Though, if I write it, I could just be copying and pasting...
You'll have to take my word for it.
Project with Haru is getting gooooood
And school today was okies.
Haven't talked to Benny yet
But I've talked to people I normally don't
Which is refreshing

Today's been good:)
7/8, I'm getting better!
Enjoy your lives, everyone!
Peace out!

Diary, Day Seven

That's right. Seven days.
If this were a horror movie, I'd be dead now.
This isn't, thankfully, it's real life.

First day back at schooool
Got some nice comments about my hair
Someone called me an Emo... he thinks it's an insult! *Bursts out laughing*

I had Dance today, great fun, and we missed out on Sports today, even better
And some other boring lessons, which I won't waste your time with

My day wasn't so bad. Could've been better, you know like, no school, or something

But school is necessary for GCSE's, thus A-levels, thus a good job
So... life can be harsh sometimes, you move on, right?
Love you guys!