Diary, Day Thirteen

Ahhh thirteen, the unlucky number. Guess it is unlucky.
I started today with Dance, which was fantastic. I'm the only one to have finished my Solo choreography, so I showed it to the class, and they loved it. Very good start to the day.

Then came Religious Education, where we found out next week we'll be studying about Civil Partnerships (Several comments throughout the class aimed at me) and my "Friend" (using the term loosely) had a joke request from another friend, asking me out (as a joke!) and she said yes on my behalf. I wouldn't even date him, and now she's joking that we are.

Joy. Then Drama lessons, which were okay, though a bit dull. We made up a small, minute-long piece and studied Cross-Cutting (Mixing up the storyline)

Science came next, which would have been okay... normally. We're doing electricity, and did a practical experiment. Ours didn't work. Woops. Then another boy who I dislike a lot (who ALSO pretends to have a crush on me) started attaching wires to the back of my blazer, and I had more comments about the fake dating. Yet ANOTHER boy who pretends to have a crush on me asked me to go to the Year 11 Prom with him a few days ago (The Leaver's Ball) and offered again (still jokingly). That made me feel even worse about the fact that I will never get a real offer.

Lastly we had French. Now, on a normal day, I find French boring. However, when you're tense from the comments, and tense from having people touching your hair/messing it up/nagging you for something, it's a real drag.

Yeah. Not a very good day, to be quite honest. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Unfortunately, being stressed has had a negative effect on my friends, and also my mum who (bless her) won't leave me alone about it.

Well, I guess 11/13 isn't a bad score. I'll try and have fun tomorrow. Hope everyone enjoyed their day.
