Diary, Day Fourteen

Well, today was quite the mixed bag.
Woke up stressed. By school time, I had calmed down.
Being part of both the Drama and Dance GCSE groups, was on a school trip to see the musical "Cabaret" in Birmingham.

The trip there, two and a half hours, would have been totally bearable. But, of course, I had someone to sit next to... a boy called Matt. He is a total social reject, a freak who doesn't even realise, and has no friends. This is because he is clingy and tactless. He believes that because I dyed my hair blue/black, I MUST be a complete, 100% nothing-but Emo, and therefore I can't be happy. I also HAVE to be into the "Wrist-stuff", which is again, false. My wrists are totally clean, thankyou.

We got to meet the lead actors and ask them questions, and were able to direct one of their scenes. This was great fun. The lead female role of Sally Bowles was played by Samantha (Contest on I'd Do Anything, 3rd place.) She was fantastic.

The play itself was amazing. Set in Berlin, focusing on the night-life of the city, and it's *freedom*: "The Girls are beautiful... The Boys are beautiful..."
The lead girl, Sally Bowles falls in love with the lead boy, Cliff, and she falls pregnant. Cabaret revolves around their problems in their relationship,
the relationships of those around them. Later in the play, it involves the Nazi party and the evil effect it had.

The journey back (Three hours this time) was just as painful, if not more, with my partner now singing songs from the play (in a german accent). "Money makes the world go Rrrround..." Save me, please.

I got back at 9pm, had some toast to calm my destroyed nerves, and came upstairs to write this. The journey wasn't a total failure, however, as I finished reading "The Shining" by Stephen King. Joy :D

Well I hope you guys all had great days, and keep smiling!
