Diary, Day Fifteen

Fifteen, the magic number
The fifteenth day of my online diary
My age, of course
And fifteen days till I got to a college party with my best friend's reasonably attractive brother where there will be alca-ma-hol
And I will be totally dolled up for said party, which makes me almost as excited as the party itself!
Obviously, of course, this ultra-cool amazing person is Haru. And she doesn't realise JUST HOW MUCH I am psyched about this party. THANKYOU!!

Well I feel MUCH better since two days ago. Am back to psycho-mode! Woop!
A friend of mine was intrigued by the prospect of our project, and so I invited her to join theOtaku. She has and likes it very much!

Speaking of projects, it's nearly done... so so close! EEK!

Today was reasonably good fun. I spent first lesson learning new Drama techniques, and putting them into practise. Second lesson was Science, which I spent colouring my Lesson Timetable in, in pretty colours. Third lesson, History, we learnt more about how mean Nazi Germany was, and fourth lesson I spent coasting Maths, as usual. Finally, ICT was spent on the computers colouring a picture in a different colour so I could add it to a spreadsheet. Mmmm joy.

However, overall I wasn't BORED, so I'm happy. I read .Hack AfterBirth 1 at lunch so that was interesting. Now I'm listening to "Milkshake" by Kelis and giggling.

Well I feel better, and I hope you guys feel great too! Keep smiling, people!
