
Gin was standing on the balcony looking out to the peaceful...almost too peaceful Las Noches night. There was a chilly breeze coming in. Gin heard the door to his room open and he turned. Dyana had walked in through the door in her white uniform with a tray of tea and cookies.
'Good evening, Gin-sama' Dyana said with a short bow. 'I brought you some tea and snacks.'
'Thank you, Dyana' Gin said bowing his head. 'How was school today, hmm?' he asked looking out to Hueco Mundo.
'Good, I guess. Kinda boring though' Dyana said.
'Well dontcha just stand there, come out here, it's a lovely night' Gin said as Dyana walked out on the balcony.
Gin pulled a chair for her and she sat down.
'Ya know, even though it's always night here, every night is different than the one before it' Gin said. 'I can tell. And I can also tell somethin' is botherin' ya' he added turning to look at her.
'Wow, you're good at this stuff, Gin-sama. And here I thought I could mask it. Not from you I guess. When did you notice?' Dyana said with a slight chuckle.
'Ever since ya opened the door' Grin said with a grin. 'Now what's troublin' ya? Did any of those darn Espadas pick on ya?'
'No, no, it's nothing like that. It's something minor really' Dyana said.
'Oh? Now ya made me curious.'
'It's something really insignificant, I don't even think it's worth mentioning since it's just a silly rumor.'
'What rumor?' Gin asked looking interested.
'I don't think I should tell' Dyana said in a reluctant tone.
'Well, if I don't hear it how can I confirm it or dismiss it?' Gin said.
Dyana looked surprised at him.
'You know a lot more than you let show, don't you, Gin-sama?'
'My dear, I know everything that walks, crawls, lives and breathes here in Las Noches' Gin said with one of his foxy grins. 'You wouldn't believe the things I know and tamper with. What's this rumor about?'
'Well, I haven't really got a lot of it since I'm in the human realm most of the times but I've heard that there's something going on between a human woman and an Espada here. And honestly I don't know what to think about it. I mean between Espadas or Arrancars is one thing, but with a human? That just goes against all the rules!'
Gin grinned and turned facing the outside.
'You know something, don't you?' Dyana said.
Gin turned smirking to her.
'More than ya think.'
'And won't you do anything about it? I mean if this is confirmed there will be a riot here and it won't end well for the Espada in question! He could be in serious trouble!' she fretted.
'Yes' she said lowering her eyes and quieting down.
'Why are ya so concerned? If that certain Espada decided to do this then it's his responsibility. Ya don't see anyone concernin' themselves for our wellbeing, traitors of our own kind' Gin said with a grin.
'But it's different...'
'Is it? Is it not gettin' sidetracked and betrayin' yer objective?' Gin said walking closer.
'You know who it is, don't you, Gin-sama?' she said with a sad look.
'Of course I do. And it's a matter of time before the others will as well. But I'm not troubling my mind with this and neither should you. Just watching the course of events is boring unless ya throw in a little spice' he grinned then turned back to the sky.
'But who is it?'
'My dear, ya just have to look at the signs, and ya'll figure it out on yer own' Gin grinned lifting her head with his index finger. 'Everyone is doin' the same thing. It wouldn't be fair to give ya a head start now would it?'
'You're right. I shouldn't ask things that don't concern me' Dyana said standing up. 'I'm sorry if I was disrespectful, Gin-sama' she added bowing her head.
'Oh but my dear, I didn't forbid ya to look, I just told ya to try to find out on yer own. It's more fun that way' he grinned. 'Now off ya go, I'm sure ya have business in the human world' he said with a smile.
'But don't you need me here?'
'Well ya already did everything ya possibly could. The place is so clean and orderly I'm afraid to live in it' Gin said.
Dyana chuckled. 'If you say so. Good night, Gin-sama.'
'Good night to ya too' Gin smiled as Dyana walked out.
He then turned back to the balcony, resting his elbows on the banister with a wicked smile.
'Now I wonder who'll be the first one to figure it out' he grinned.
