How Essential Oil Candles Are Made

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Scented candles are immensely popular in the modern home, and essential oil candles are in increasing demand. Essential oils, often used in all-natural candles, are derived from natural plant sources and are priced higher than fragrances made with artificial ingredients. The process used to make an essential oil candle is simple enough to double at home.

The first step in making scented candles is deciding the materials that will be used, including the fragrance, the type of wax, the wick, and the container that will be used to hold the finished candle. For essential oil candles, choosing an oil to use can be the most difficult part of the process. There are over a hundred different oils to choose from, each with its own unique scent. Only a very small amount of the chosen oil is needed, as they are highly concentrated. Essential vegetable oils can be purchased online or in some retail stores, but keep in mind that they can be expensive and you may need special tools to handle them.

While the oil used in essential oil candles is important because it is what gives the candle its distinctive fragrance, what type of wax to use must also be carefully considered. Most of the candles on the market are made from paraffin wax, but all-natural candles are made with natural ingredients, such as soy or the more expensive beeswax. Both are considered environmentally friendly, and soy wax, a fairly new type of wax, used in aromatherapy soy candles, is becoming increasingly popular. Another option is gel wax, which is actually made from oils and is therefore not technically wax. For the basic process of making candles that can be done at home, paraffin or soy waxes are the most used.

Wicks and containers are two seemingly minor considerations when making essential oil candles, but both affect the finished product in subtle but important ways. There are a staggering number of wick options available, and choosing the right one is key to making sure a candle burns properly. Candle storage containers are usually made of glass or metal, and since they will be the most visible part of the candles, appearances matter. Once all the materials are assembled, the actual candle-making process is fairly straightforward. The wax melts at the proper temperature, which will vary depending on the type of wax used. A small amount of the essential oil is then added to the melted wax, which gives the candle its fragrance. The wick is fixed to the bottom of the container and the wax is poured. The wick should be kept upright during this process and while the wax is drying, and once the wax is dry, the wick is trimmed to the proper height.

If making essential oil candles is a project that appeals to you, getting started is as easy as gathering the necessary supplies. It can be a fun and rewarding hobby, and your fragrance options are nearly limitless. However, if arts and crafts aren't your things, essential oil candles are available online and in brick-and-mortar stores. Either way, the candles will have the same warm and welcoming presence in your home.
