Anime Quiz~!

Chosen Anime: Elfen Lied

Favorite boy: Errmm....Kouta? No, no, no...Kurama. Definitely.

Favorite girl: Lucy/Nyuu! X3

Favorite song: None :O

Favorite weapon: Vectors? o-o; Haha, fear my invisible arms! xD

Name you like to go by: Koda~

Character you feel sympathy for: Kouta! Seriously, man...He loses everything and it's all Lucy's fault--but Lucy's his best friend! DX

Character that acts like you: Mariko

Character that looks like you: >-> Um....No one? Well, I guess Yuka, since we have the same hair color and length....But I really hate Yuka.

Character that would make a good brother: Kurama!! :D No, I kid, I kid. Kouta, I guess.

Character that would make a good sister: Nana!

Character that would make a good father: Now I put Kurama. :D

Character that would make a good mother: Erm...Saito was a good foster mother...till Mariko killed her an' all...Aw ;_; Poor Mommy.

If you could be any character who would it be?: Mariko :D

Character you wish to kill: Yuka! It's her friggin FAULT that Kouta's sister (and half the town)was murdered! She shoulda stayed away from Kouta! >:[

Which language would you speak in: Nyuu! (I would only say Nyuu, an' see how far that got me)

Where would you live: In my house XD

Sum up one personalility word for yourself: Eccentric

Favorite evil character: Mariko? Kurama? I can't decide! DX

Collect Anime posters(y/n): No..

Collect anime CD's(y/n): No, but I wish! DX

Collect anime toys(y/n): No
