Hetalia Pairing Meme XD

Name twelve of your favorite Axis Powers Hetalia characters in any order.

1) Poland, with his Pony :3
2) Germany, in his cuddly awkward-ness
3) Hungary...and her happy place and her happy place and her happy place
4) Romano, with a fake mustache: laughing at you
5) France: molesting the world, one nation at a time
6) Italy, and paaastttaaa
7) Prussia: owns you
8) Greece, who is sleeping...in your bed.
9) Become one with Russia, ja?
10) England, with a unicorn
11) America, is the HERO!
12) Cana...Wait, who?

1) Have you read a five/ten fic before?
France/England? Pfft, duh! XD
I loved it~! <3

2) Do you think three is hot? How hot?
Hungary? She's not over here, how would I know her temperature? Jeez...Weird questions. XD

3) What would happen if six got one pregnant?
If...Italy...got Poland...preggers?
Like, omigod, Poland, what's Lithy gonna do now that you're, like, knocked up?

4) Do you recall any good fics about nine?
Russia is always good, ja? You want become one with Russia now?

5) Would seven and two make a good couple?
Prussia and Germany? Only EVERY DAE OF MAI LIFE~! XD
Yeah, I think they're cuute.

6) Four/eight or four/nine?
Romano/Greece or Romano/Russia?! :O
I care for widdle Romano's safety!
Who would leave anyone but France to deal with the horror of Russia?! XD

7) What would happen if seven discovered three and eight in a secret relationship?
Prussia discovered Hungary and Greece's secret relationship?
Blackmail city, baby, here we come!

8) Make a summary of at least twenty words for a two/six fic.
Gaw...I got Germany/Italy! Bummerz.
Not that I don't love 'em, but, ah, they're dull DX

"'Did you hear, brother?! That potato sucking, wurst-brained bastard is finally falling! Crumbling like ol' Rome!' Yes. Italy knew. Everyone was talking about it...how wouldn't he hear? His best friend was...Italy wished he was deaf, he wished they were wrong, he wished, he wished, he...gave up. What was the point, if Germany would fall?"

9). Is there such a thing as a four/ten romantic fluff story?
Romano/England? Acht...
Uh...XD I doubt it...?

10) Suggest a title for a one/five Hurt/Comfort fic.
Aw, fuckkitall...Poland/France?! Hurt/Comfort?! Whaaatt?

Ahem..."Faux Innocence" Lololol...no jkjkjk lololol, I love yer fuckin' make-up, omigad, I love yer hair! Izzat a new tattoo? Did that piercing fuckin' hurt? No, jkjkjk lololol...Sorry. Song moment.

11. What kind of plot would you use for a three/eleven fic?
Hungary...America? Errk...

I wouldn't? XD

12. Does anyone on your friends list read number seven het? What about nine slash?
Ah...Yeah, I know people who read Prussia het...but it's with Hungary, and I don't see it D:
Russia slash? ...Yeahh...Yeah, definitely.

13. If you wrote a songfic about number nine, what song would you choose?
Russia?!! O_o
Errk...Meebe "Soldier Side" by S.O.A.D? Fail, yeah, but he could be the opposing force killing everyone. >D

14. If you wrote a one/two/three fic, what would the warning be?
Poland/Germany/Hungary? O__o....

Warning: Cross-dressing, explicit gore, and a failed warning.
Seriously, what?

15. What pick-up line might eight use on five?
Uh...Greece is trying to pick up France? Oh, boy.

Greece: France--

And Greece is kidnapped and never seen again. -.-;

16. Challenge: Write a drabblefic for ten/eight.
England/Greece...drabble fic. Okay. Gimmie a minnit.

-England sighed, looking down at the grass, gently waving in the breeze, then over at the country beside him, who looked ready to fall asleep in the peace and quiet.
He cleared his throat, looking at the sky, "So...sure is relaxing here, isn't it?"
Greece opened one eye, nodding.
"...Is it like this often?"
Greece closed the eye, nodding.
"Ahem...is this all you do?" England tapped the ground, the silence building viciously.
Greece nodded.
The tapping became louder, and England raised his voice, eye nearly twitching, "Well, it's quite nice! So quite...uneventful...un-America-y, the stupid, loud-mouthed git...Yes, I do believe I like it here!"
Greece nodded, "It's nicer if you don't talk..."
England froze and looked at the ground again, "Oh." a second passed by, "Oh, yes, I suppose it would be! Alright then. I won't. Nope. I'll just be...quiet...and uneventful...Yep."
One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.
England stood up abruptly, "Ah, well, look at the time, I must be off. Nice chatting with you!"
It was the most stressful trip he'd made in his life.-


17) What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex?
Prussia walked in on Germany and Canada having sex...XD

Ah, dear, blackmail is in the air this day--sweeter and stronger than ever XD

18) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to de-flower One?
Romano wants to de-flower Poland.
Quite simply, I wouldn't do this, either, no none! XD

19) Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash?
Um...Yes? XD
Yeah, I think so!

20) Does anyone on your friends list read Three het?
Hungary het...Yes, usually Austria/Hungary or Prussia/Hungary

21) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?
America? Yeah...He's too popular >.>

22) Would you write Two/Four/Five?
If only I could find out how.

23) What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion?
Lotsa stuff...But with England, most would be profane and unfit to say on this meme XC

24) When was the last time you read a fic about Five?
France? Psh...
Like a minute ago XD

25) What is Six's super-secret kink?
He incorporates pasta into everything...yes, I do mean everything. Let your mind chew it over, and you'll be creeped out in seconds >D

26) Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober?
America and Russia?

27) If Three and Seven get together, who tops?
Hungary and Prussia got together, so obviously, Hungary tops! >D

28) "One and Nine are in a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs off with Four. One, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Two." What title would you give this fic?

Poland and Russia are in a happy relationship until Russia suddenly runs off with Romano(no, it is not consensual). Poland, broken hearted, has a hot, one-night stand with America(He was drunk!) and a brief, unhappy affair with Canada(Poland kept forgetting they were seeing each other, so Canada had to break it off) then follows the wise advice of France(I think he went wrong, right there) and finds true love in Germany...with Lithuania xD What? They got together at GERMANY'S HOUSE, so I didn't mess up the story. :D

I call this, "Bullshit" XD

29) How would you feel if Seven/Eight was canon?
If Prussia/Greece was canon, there would be many awkward silences! :D

This was fun.
