~*Requests are OPEN!*~

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Need a new avatar? Tired of looking at your wallpaper? Thinking your world needs a banner, or do you wish you had a layout for YouTube?

Look no further!

Welcome to Gotta' Request?--Where all your theOtaku.com wants and needs will be fulfilled!

What do I need to give you, Dev?

I don't really need anything, but you can if you wish to do so!

How do I request something?

Well, first, you'll have to read through this, and then you can request whatever you wish!

I will be posting works here on this world that I have completed, so that you may look through what I can do.

What program do you use?

I use GIMP, since I don't have money for Photoshop, XD

What do you mean by wants and needs?

By that, I mean pretty much anything that you can create here on theOtaku-Avatars, banners, layouts, wallpapers, eCards, fan art, and any other things that I haven't listed.

XD Well, that pretty much covers it-I promise to do my best!


~*Requests I'm working on!*~

Sebastian Banner-Oasaka45656

Vaporeon Avatar-Axel8lover

Sebastian Avatar-mangageek

Mori and Kyouya Wallpaper-chocolatemud

Italy, Japan, and Germany Fan Art-zombehpanda

Fruits Basket Banner-Onigiri Candy


A special thanks to my friend scoodi, who made the banner for this world. (XD She's got skillz, man! Check out her wallpapers and cards!)

Wallpaper #2! ^-^

This wallpaper was requested by harvestmoonluvr, I hope you all like it!

[theOtaku.com link]

Wallpaper #1! ^-^

This wallpaper was requested by harvestmoonluvr, I hope you all like it!

[theOtaku.com link]

YouTube Layout #1! ^-^

This was YouTube layout was requested by highway2hell2-I hope you all like it!

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[Full size Image]

Gotta' Request?

Alright! Before you post a comment below, you do need to read the following sentences.

When you request something, please be specific.

I know a lot of different anime and manga, but if it's something I'm unfamilar with, I don't want to get mixed up with a different character(s)-or anime.

Example of a request that I may get mixed up with:

"Dev, could you please make me a wallpaper with Haruhi?"

^With this, the first Haruhi to come to my mind would be Haruhi Suzumiya from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, but you might've wanted Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High School Host Club.

So, your request must include the character's (or the characters) full name(s), and the anime(s) that they are from.

Secondly, I may not do as well with requests with anime/manga that I'm not familiar with.

I'll still try my best, and I always look them up on MyAnimeList, but it's just easier to make a wallpaper of something that I know.

Maybe we happen to share the same anime? Here's MyAnimeList.

And lastly, If you use my avatars, layouts, banners, or anything else off-site, please give me credit.

I normally put my username on the bottom of everything except for avatars, but if you don't want that, then please give me credit!


That's everything! So...Gotta' Request? Post a comment below!