Marriage? ...possibly

Okay, my dad went on a date with Terran's mom yesterday. That is both awesome and really weird. I mean, Terran's my best friend, but as brothers, there would be a lot of problems. First off, I'd have to live with this guy and I love him- I swear- but seriously, the boy's a slob. I am NOT okay with that. And he has a hamster. No. I have a cat. His name is Thomas Edison, but we call him Mr. Tomkins. He also is my ex-mortal enemy. Ex-mortal enemies don't make good roomates. At all.

They'd better not get married.

I mean it.

Nextly, my sister Jamie is laughing to me about how much she thinks that I should possibly go out with Terran. No. Our parents are now dating. What the hell? No. Besides, Terran would not have that at all seeing as we just had to team up and set aside our differences and passions and fight off a raving and insane sociopathic villian that wanted my head on a platter. He's a paranoid freak, right? Lol.

Since my life is no longer in danger, I'm like, "Hell, why not?" But Terran wants nothing to do with that unless he's, you know, climbing up my balcony and serenading me with Dave Mathews songs like I'm not a dude. I worry about him.
