Welcome to my blog!
Let's see how much I actually post here...

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Tumblr: Rixae's Blog
Deviantart: Rixari
Tera Online: (send me a message and maybe we can knock out some quests some time!)
DFO: Currently offline


well, today was interesting enough^^
in science class, the fire alarm went off because the class next door was lighting matches, so we got out of doing our work
I need to choose some of my artwork to put on display for an art show at school, but I can't decide!!! >_<' I have at least 10 sketch books full of pics, so I've got PLENTY of choices...
oh yeah! charlie the unicorn 3 came out the other day I guess^^ here is is:

lol, the star fish loves you

oh yes, and a warning to everyone, I've been reading a lot of Naruto recently, so I'll probably be obsessing over Itachi for a week or so... depends on what happens in bleach this week


Bad Week T~T

This week so far has been terrible...
first on monday, I thought my science homework was due on tuesday, but it was actually due on monday DX
then, in gym my akatsuki ring broke, so I had to tape it together this morning real quick before school
on tuesday I lost another piece of homework in science...
and today before we left for school, the battery in my mom's car died...
now watch, there won't be a new chapter of bleach or naruto this week, and I've just jynxed the world
sorry world


Huh?! o.o'

I went to my portfolio a couple minutes ago and noticed a new section titled "medals". I've never seen it before, so if anyone could tell me what it is i would forever worship you it would be much appreciated


bored o.o'

I just got finished with my homework (had to make a poster board about Venus) so now I'm sitting at my computer bored... (._.)
Nothing overly interesting really happened today, so...
oh wait! my homeroom at school is so stupid>_<
right now we're having a charity drive thingy for Pennies for Patients, and the homeroom who donated the most money gets free lunch at a restaurant. The problem is, everyone is only donating money so we can win... @_@
it's charity! not a contest! no one should just donate money so they can benefit themselves! they should donate money because it's the right thing to do, and they actually CARE about other people out there...
geez, talking about stuff like this always gets me really emotional...
oh well^^ I'll try getting some more art up tomorrow if I feel like it
oh yeah, gold trophy! finally!


Bridal Shower^^

Today was my sister's bridal shower, and since I'm one of the bridesmaids, it was my responsibility to host it... We had some really funny games tho, one was where we pu...

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