I just realized something... If you turn down the contrast on your monitor to about 70% from 100%, you can see all the little spots in traditional works where it's smudged... I looked trough my gallery with my contrast turned down, and saw how awful some of mine looked^^''' I couldn't see it before though, 'cause I always have my contrast turned to 100%... gah! now I wanna go fix them all, but it'll take forever >///<
Something magical happened at lunch today! :D One of my friends went up to get a drink out the the drink machine, and it stole her money so she went to the office to get it back. When she tried it again, it gave her both drinks, lulzor She gave the extra one to me since they didn't have the juice I wanted in the salad bar... The school paid for my drink today^^- *totally not guilty*
Oh yes, and for any Touhou fans... If you haven't read the touhou wikia article for Yukkuris yet, do so. I almost died last night from the sheer hilariousness of it X3
~grimmy is avoiding all Alice-type yukkuris