It's kinda my primary site anyway, I just wanna switch over completely. It seems like every time I decide to check back here there's drama or art theft that no one else seems to realize. xD
And while I realize the same thing goes on even stronger on dA, I just don't have to look at it there (besides the stupid pikachu-cat photo that gets stolen every other week...). I'm a bit of a goody-two-shoes, so I get really upset whenever I see someone getting away with doing something they shouldn't. In short, I'm moving just to keep my sanity. Cx
So later I'll be deleting the remainder of my gallery, but I'll keep my account activated in case I decide to check back or change my mind. That, and I can't bring myself to delete my theO account. This place will always have a special place in my heart. C:
So anyway, if you want to add me on dA, my account is here or you can add me on tumblr here. (Add me, I'll add you. 8D)
Oh yeah, and does anyone play Minecraft? This game is so addicting, it's stealing away so many hours that could be spent doing something useful, lol. xD