Fake Friends o.o'

well, here it is shadowlullaby^^ I kinda have the same problem too (with subscribers who you never hear from again) but i don't really care all that much...
I love looking at and commenting on other people's art and cards and everything, it's just I haven't gotten too many chances too lately, so I hope i'm not one of the "fake friends"

Fake Friends
"No offense, but ... People are getting too fake on me . They only want posts, comments, or to see how many friends they can get. So let's see who will actually repost this. This is a test to see who's paying attention. This is a test to see how many people in my friends list actually pay attention to me. Copy and repost in your own bulletin. Lets see who the true friends are and I think I know who you are... Repost this if you are a friend...Don't reply... just copy and paste this in a new bulletin as "Fake Friends'

True friends will read and repost this. Fake friends will just ignore it"


Saw it and did it.
~original post by shadowlullaby~

