back (again) >///<

Ok, I'm back once again. Last week and this week were some of the last of the school year, and I've been really busy. We have to make a letter to ourselves once we finish high school, and it has to be EIGHTEEN pages long!
I finished mine yesterday and all of it is stuffed into a big yellow envelope.
So, if theO is still around whenever I get my letter back at the end of high school, I might share some of it with you guys!
Sorry that I haven't been posting much. Lately I've been very critical about all of my drawings and I've only finished about two or three within the last week... I'll be posting two soon after I post this, so be sure to watch for them!
I'm also sorry that I haven't used any emoticons in this post... I feel sorta sad and lonely right now, so I'm in no mood to use "happy" emoticons... Maybe sad ones...
Oh yes! Before I forget... I've been really interested in the Holocaust lately. Our class had to read a playwritten version of The Diary of Anne Frank, so that was very interesting. I also just recently finished reading the actual diary, and I must say that it was incredibly... um, something! I can't think of a word... We also had to read Night which was written by a man who went to a concentraion camp when he was only 14. It's so mentally scarring and disturbing. It's terrible how they were all treated like that...
Ok, now I have to think of a happy subject! Ummm... What's there to be happy about? I don't know... Oh well!
Sorry for ranting and for being away so long! <--- only emoticon used

~grimmy <---(besides this one)
