Another Weird Dream... o.O'

This morning I had the WEIRDEST dream... I woke up at like 6am then went back to sleep... It's a long dream so brace yourself
It starts out with me and some friends and we're going to go on a vacation or something. We're all packing our supplies and for some reason we're in ball gowns... Mine was black with feathers on the ends^^ Well, suddenly these zombie demon things come out of nowhere and attack everyone, so me and my brother run away and hide in some run-down motel on the second floor. We have guns now for some reason and we're killing everyone that enters the room, demon or not. Then, a whole bunch of them show up, so we find a secret exit and are in some sort of huge mansion with weird people walking around everywhere. There, we meet Lady from DMC then we leave. We enter some huge area with stone platforms with stairs going up to them. The place is FILLED with these things and it looks really confusing. We go on one of the platforms and meet Kallen from Code Geass and she tells us that the Evil Emperor is controlling the zombie demon things. We're just walking off of the platform and this thing comes up to me with a delivery (I can't remember what the thing was tho) it gives me a newspaper from my mom, then this random tv just appears in front of my face and it has the evil emperor on it. He tells me that if he doesn't get that newspaper from me once I finish reading it, he'll kill me o.O' So, me and my brother go exploring the area and wind up in a large canyon filled with orange stone pillars. There, I find a naruto manga and start reading it (because apparently manga is more important than my life^^) We reach the end where there is a large platform with a cave on it. We go through the cave and end up in a large underground train station/mansion thingy... When you go through the doors they teleport you to random rooms in the building. The thing from earlier comes back and gives me another newspaper from my mom, and once again the emperor shows up on a random tv to threaten me. I leave the mansion because my brother disappeared somewhere. I'm on a building with suzaku from Code Geass and we climb a ladder down the side of the building. We're now in some sort of alley and we meet Kallen again. Lelouch, from Code Geass once again, is on a small island nearby (REALLY nearby, only 10 ft probably^^') and he's shooting stuff at us. Me and Suzaku get on a boat and end up on a weird metal floating island cave thingy. I don't know what it was :P Lelouch has taken conrtol of my brother and sends him to kill us. When my brother reaches the island we start fighting, and for some reason I have Force Edge from DMC... So he's just standing there not doing anything so I keep slicing him up but he doesn't flinch. The emperor shows up (for real this time) and I fight him, but he just stands there too! My brother finally decides to attack and he cuts me three times on my left leg with a sword. I go to the emperor and start stabbing him repeatedly in the chest, but it doesn't do any damage. The emperor leaves, so me, Suzaku, and my brother leave the island on another boat and reach a hospital. Everyone gets healed and I meet back up with my brother, who is now freed of Lelouch's control. We decide to build an army to overthrow the emperor. We gather a large force, then me and my brother go to a hotel lobby for some odd reason and start to talk to an old man at the breakfast bar. He gives everyone in our army weapons, except me. When I ask for one, he looks surprised then starts to laugh. Then I woke up
This could seriously be one of the most vivid dreams ever for me... It was kinda creepy, but cool at the same time^^ I wanted to see how it ended tho...T^T oh well, maybe I'll have the rest of the dream tonight :D
It was funny when I woke up because I immediately grabbed a pen and notebook to write everything that I could remember down, It took up three pages

