I woke up this morning and I was so tired, I didn't want to get up. of course, it doesn't help if you have a bit of a cold... anyway, last night I had ANOTHER weird dream
this time my entire class was trying to get through a Devil May Cry level, and people kept dying...^^' I suppose maybe it was more of a creepy mansion type of place rather than a dmc level, but still.. last night I watched another scary movie, "A Haunting" pretty cool movie, but the ending was a little lame... They were in a castle, and I swear it looked just like the castle from dmc 1! Except maybe in better shape (in the first part of the movie anyway)
no art to post today... maybe I'll finally color my katamari damacy pic, it's been lying around in my sketch book for a while now...
I'll just play some more dmc 1, I FINALLY got the lion to accept me!! yay! I seriously went through level 2 four times trying to figure it out, then my brother goes and looks up a walkthrough -3- at least I'm past it now... I beat nelo on my first try tho
wow, I'm ranting pretty badly again, aren't I...?