It has taken every last drop of motivation in my body to finish the lineart for this. And it's still not done. orz
Gotta add the halo and some more details to...
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I drew this straight onto the computer! Gwaaa, I'm so proud of myself! *w* (even if it does look terrible)
Just a sketch for now, I wanted to get a feel for t...
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I've been trying to change the backgrounds in my worlds all day, but they refuse to change! ;A;
Chibi Eko I'm working on, since I'm stuck in a chibi rut. o3o
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I can't shade his stupid hair right >_<'
His eyes are sparkly owo
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Why is your arm so flippin' hard to draw Nero?! >///<
*hunts Nero down to punch him for having a hard-to-draw arm*
His eyes are pretty lopsided to...
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