Today, Tadah

today tadah is a post that i will do involving weird things that happened recently in my all to weird life, apparently im emo now, well atleast thats what my bff says, since shes a year older she started college b4 me, DUH, and went off to florida and left me to fend off my senior year. anyway, she says that i wear to much black, only make sarcastic remarks, dont smile enough, make dark scary jokes that only i get, and i listen to depressin music(wuteva tha hell that means)... so today i put on a yellow sun dress, curled my hair and smiled till my cheeks hurt. Gin woul be so proud ^_^ i also got tripped and unplugged my pc while i was in the middle of downloading ever happened to you

TODAYS TADAH PIC is my fave purple eyed chess player... ALL HAIL LELOUCH

sorry gin lovers he will appear at a later date he had a tummy ache
