New starters...?!?

Just watched the new pokèmon trailer for curiosity, since I don't have a 3DS and I don't even know what to think about it!

The setting looks nice.. but those starters! they looks so weird! I actually like the owl thingy.. I like how he watch his trainer turning his head! the others two are just plain ugly in my view.. litten? more like litter to me! it says that it barf some burning fur ball? XD that's nasty! and the water starter... everybody on the internet is hating that poor ugly thing, but just look at it! it's awkward.. the old pokèmon looked tough and still cute, like Charmander or Totodile while these ones...

Yeah. Exactly.
And those legendaries reminds me more of Digimon than Pokèmon.. I wonder what else will bring these new games.. (I'm curious about the bad guys!)
If they do a Mega Crobat that looks like s**t I swear I'm gonna send GameFreak some nitroglycerin bomb letters!

Stay Groovy ;-)
