Story WIP

Hi everybody, first of all thank you for all the gifts and dedication and stuff! It was really appreciated! The first week of my 24 years old life it's been quite crappy to be frank, but NO moaning and complaining, as there are lot of people with worst problems. so Yeah let's keep going! life will get better eventually.

On a more positive side a had more time to work on a little project of mine, and that's a story! yeah I wrote a story about one of my OCs, and that's everybody nobody my favorite gay Salazar!

the story it's long urgh so long, so I decided to actually draw a couple of illustrations to post with it, just to make it more readable(?)
here's an example of those illustrations:

as you can see the quality of the art it's not amazing, but I decided to actually draw some backgrounds, since I never draw real backgrounds to make it more complete! I need practice with background because this look so sad now XD

I first planned to draw 28 different illustrations, but I'm so incredibly slow! slow as a snail who rides a tortoise to race an old man on a bike (and old people on a bike are just the slowest thing on earth) so i decided thin out to 13 illustrations.. even so I'm still behind, so I'll just post the story soon then post the illustration gradually every time that I finish one.

that being said I hope someone will actually read my stuff. the English it's quite bad I fear, and I'm not such a great storyteller, but I worked so hard on this project!!! NNNNGH and so I hope that anyone will read and enjoy it.

that's all for now, have a great day.

External Image Stay Groovy ;-)
