Taking a break

Hi everyone, small announcement, lately I've had problems with my art, it's just feel wrong, I don't like it too much, it's not as fun as before, stuff like that. Not really an art block, more like "I draw but meeeeeh I don't like this stuff" so I decided to take a break for now, I don't know how long it will be, a week, a month? not much more I think! so yeah, don't expect anything from me for a while!

But to not leave you with anything I took a look at my old drawing folder and I found some draws I never posted for a reason or another, and I will post it here, BEWARE! some of this are old so they're kind of bad XD and they're very random stuff! I hope you'll still like it!

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Beetlejuyce draw made with watercolors! the cartoon never aired in Italy so i don't know how it is, but I love the movie so much! Zamboni it's a lot inspired form Beetlejuice in fact eheh

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Candy Candy fanart for my mother, made in promarkers and colored pencils

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First and last charcoal attempt, look at that beautiful smearing! it's not intentional at all XD

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old Zamboni draw, I was trying to draw more realistic looking blood, also trying new stuff in general

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I did this for the monthly drawing challenge on paigeeworld, it's a fruit themed magical girl, those colors can burn people eyes..

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Old Team Nero draw, why didn't I posted this? it's not bad, look how many details! also that on the top it's their (unofficial) logo

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Never finished lineart, it should be a minimei like girl? I still remember the dya I did this, I was exhausted for some voluntary work and I just didn't feel like finishing it

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and finally Milo and Morrigan Chibi, this two never get some love! not fair, poor losers! LMAO

Stay Groovy ;-)External Image
