Tatsuma-chan here! This is Group A!(c Heros Academy 2 find out what I'm talking about.) The classes that shall be held here are: Basic magic, Summoning class, Destruction class, and Healing class.Message for students only: Every week or so (whenever I get a chance 2 get on) you can check below for whats new in Group A.
Special Events: None yet
News: Nothing yet
Contests/assignments:none yet
(u can post any events that are going on in ur world and I'll put it up for everyone to c)

Group A = Magic!

Group A Students:


Our symbol!!

I just love dragons. ^.^'
It is a tattoo

Group A 1st Class

Mizu here aka ur principle for this year! Okay welcome 2 the very first class of the mages!^.^ Meet all of you teachers! First up is Ms.Muris!...

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Destruction Teach

Name: Telmirs Avanis Age: 27 Race: Mage/human About her: She grew up in a big city, but loved to cause trouble. She would always played pranks on citizens just passing through. She left as soon as possible and became a sub ...

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Basic Magic Teach

Age: unknown
Name: Silleen Muris
Heres a little about her:
She's a high elf. She is very nice and sort of a pushover.
She has 1 older sister and three sons: Melic age 3, Nilun age 5, and Kale age 7.
Also she despises Miss Delisin.
Heres a picture of her

Summoning Teach

Name: Naria Delisin Age: 21(human) 31(Khajiit) 51(Elfen) Race: Khajiit/High Elf powers: summon rock monster summ.Roxry About her: Little is know about miss Delisin, except that she is the counties best summoner. She can sum...

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