Safe driving

I watched Oprah a moment ago... the topic was quite interesting.
It was about using cell phones during the driving
It showed some statistic that more then half a million get hurt or die during speaking or texting on their cells...
It was really sad to see the families who lost someone...
The drivers who killed someone ruined their life as well..
People die cause when they text or talk on their cells their reflexes get slower, n they dont see half of the road anymore... the brain cant funcionate, well concetrate on two things at the same time..
E.g. a driver killed a woman cause he didnt see the red on the trafic light n killed a woman while he was talking on his cell..
another example is that a woman talked on her cell, didnt see a girl on her bike n yeah..killed her :/
hmm one more: a guy was texting his gf n crashed into a truck.. :/

Hmm its kinda silly that i make the post since im not allowded to drive (yet), but yeah the drivers should be more careful.
I made this post cause its shocking n sad n i think people should be more careful when they driv, cause after all its not just their life, they may ruin a lot of other lives as well...which is quite terrible...

I made this post cauase the topic touched me, so yeah..
Everyone who can drive should be careful cause the car by itself is risky... n a text or call can wait :)

So youh, think about it ^^


