Day 2 - Envy.


Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself.
Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet.
Day 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off.
Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.
Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.
Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.
Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets

1. Clear mind (I'm kinda too confused lately)
2. Attention
3. Money
4. health (Why isnt that in 1st place... wow seriously..i shoudl think on that 1st..)
5. Hapyness
6. Sleep
7. Good grades ( lazy :p)

Ahh cant wait to make wrath..hahah i'll probably continue that till 14 ... :p

