Not like anyone reads it anymore...or ever has xD
Anyway.. I'm home atm... not on so much because collage started...but mainly because I don't have any internet yet... Will try to fix it on Monday..ah and yeah collage doesn't stop me from being on... school didn't, parents didn't...collage shall not succeed either... lack of connection..may does.. xD
The first week of collage was extremely much paperwork and so much standing and waiting... now it will get better..hopefully >.<
Hmm, my life in general.. nothing new happened (Yeah I'm so pathetic)... I think I'll go out... maybe stay home and drink all alone by myself...xD Depends haha
Well, this is all... I really should do my hw..than again..I don't wanna.. ehh..bad attitude... okay. Going to play some game now :D
Cyaz and take care (for the readers... the rest shall not take care! Bwahahahah)
P.s. I should have mentioned that this is slowly driving me nutz ^^;
Random cute/silly baby picture!!!