This is Ha-chan. i humbly invite you to Ha-chan House, the one and only retreat for the yaoi fangirl/boy! I hope we can become great friends over your stay here. We're sure to have a blast.

**NOTE** plz keep the general rating for the House RP 17-and-under, ok? no 18+ shenanigans. X3

CuRrEnT MeMbErS:
Ha-chan: house owner
burnedrose: Goat Keeper
Luna chan: Yaoi-phob
CrimsonANBU: smart-ass vampire
Elix3r: Neo Goth


I blinked slowly, abruptly letting go of Near.
"I...." I paused as she wiped some hard lemonade off my shirt, "Do NOT need AA!!!" I roared, seeing red as I stumbled towards them. I swung limply at them, but only hit air.
"Wha.....? why are there eight of you....?"


with hard lemonade trickling down her low-cut dress she giggled harder, stumbling over to Near and giving him a big kiss on the cheek before standing up again, taking another drink.
"Near peed himself." she announced to anyone who happened to be listening, hugging him to her dripping chest as she almost fell again.


I broke out in giggles as I looked at him, drinking more.
"N-Near, y-you're....hehehehe!!" she couldn't finish her sentance through the giggles, and she almost fell over, saving herself by grabbing the bar, spilling a little down the front of her shirt.


I chuckle quietly, getting a bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade, drinking it straight from the bottle as i put Mello and Nears hands in warm water too, watching them closely to see if it works.


"Hm.... there's only one thing we can do...." I nudged an unconcious boy.

"Put thier hands in warm water and drink alchohal." I pulled a bottle of rum and a can of beer out of the front of my dress.
"I have an indoor bar, so I should have anything you need."