This is Ha-chan. i humbly invite you to Ha-chan House, the one and only retreat for the yaoi fangirl/boy! I hope we can become great friends over your stay here. We're sure to have a blast.
**NOTE** plz keep the general rating for the House RP 17-and-under, ok? no 18+ shenanigans. X3
CuRrEnT MeMbErS:
Ha-chan: house owner
burnedrose: Goat Keeper
Luna chan: Yaoi-phob
CrimsonANBU: smart-ass vampire
Elix3r: Neo Goth
I smiled, putting the safty back on.
"I belive you're right."
just as Kaoru was about to fall to his brothers' side i skidded into the room, nailing him in the back.
I nodded as i pressed a 'record' button, and when I heard Jolly's baaing I looked at Kaya, our minds on the same page.
Hikaru bit his lip, trying to pull his blazor out of the goats' mouth as Kaoru tried to help, wrapping his arms around his brother and pulling.
"Be quiet Jolly, you're going to get us caught!" they pleaded.
I smiled as i saw Kyoya and Nekozawa, whipping a small Kodak camera out of my dress, snapping a picture.
"Kodak moment." i said, putting it back. my ears perked up as i heard another noise and whipped around, shooting one at Mello as he fell on top of Near, their lips pressed together in a kiss.
i sweatdropped, patting his head softly.
"Poor boy..... he'll get a consolation prize." I muttered, looking around. as I saw something move by a potted plant i shot at it; an unconscious Kyoya falling down.