Eli indeed gave Ha-chan a bizarre look when she mentioned Kero liked sugar on his.. Sushi?? Then again, the boy was definitly a Neko and they were peculiar as it was. She shook it off and laid out ingredients to begin. “How about red bean ice cream for dessert?” Eli smiled because that was her favorite and she loved to make it for others.
+Meanwhile, in the next room+
Larva hardly ever betrayed his calm and collected face and it was a rare moment if he did. After Larva had heard Keros statement on his changed eyes he paused for a second to look deeply into the Nekos eyes. He had never been called beautiful before and it was odd... but he liked it. His thoughts ran wild... Maybe this boy was worth the time... maybe he could understand and just maybe he would accept me for who I am, for who I was, for what I'll always be. Larva studied the boys face as the blush faded. He had liked the pink to his cheeks...
As Larva watched Keros face his senses were watching the twins as their mischievous minds were at work. He was unaware of how close the twins and Kero might be so he didn't stop them from whatever they were going to do. He just kept his mind open so that he could react if need be.
Larvas senses went into overdrive as Kero yelped at the twins actions. Kero was obviously uncomfortable with the situation and Larva felt the need to rectify it. Kero backed into Larva trying to escape the twins touch and Larva wrapped a long, white arm around him. He pulled Kero into his body to protect him, being careful of his clawed hands and glared at the twins with evil red eyes. “Leave him be” was all that Larva said but it seemed to resonate through out the room and the twin would have gotten the point immediately. The tone was enough to shake the house down it if had been more then just a voice.
After the twins had vacated, faster then Larva really had meant for, he looked down at a shaken Kero and wondered what he was thinking. Larva sometimes forgot how frightening he could be, especially when he was being protective over someone or thing.
It had been decades, with the exception of Eli, that Larva had cared for anyone. He had spent a lot of his time wondering the 'Domain of Dreams' and eventually found his way back to this plane of existence. Larva knew, somehow, that Kero wasn't like others he had been around. There was something about the boy that seeped into his skin and took residence. His touch was amazing and was very much unlike a humans or shinmas touch. Larva was patient and time had no effect on him. If Kero felt the same as he did, then he would wait until Kero was willing to express himself.
Larva tried not to seem to still or unhuman. He reached down to Keros face with a crooked finger and tilted his chin up. Larva's eyes a deeper red then before, he studied Keros face for a reaction and relaxed his features as not to seem too intense. “Are you ok?”