
Hello. Recently, my friend got engaged. I'm very, let's see, unhappy about this. Her exact words to me were, "Haley, D---- gave me an engagement ring this morning! He said he was irrationally in love with me and wanted me forever!" Irrationally? That's a bit of an overstatement, wouldn't you say? Keep in mind, my friend whose name I shant post, is 17. Her boyfriend, as I shall state him, is 19. I know I will get comments saying, "Age is just a number!", but the age isn't what I'm concerned about; I'm concerned about my best friend. This guy is a renowned cheater, liar, and abuser. If this isn't enough to make you want to retch, he's been sleeping around while he's been with my friend. Then, from my friend as a source, he said, "... and I want you forever." Forever? We're human. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's no forever for us. We all die sometime, right? You don't 'want' another person, perse. You might 'want' to go to a store, but you don't 'want' someone. I've not only told my friend of my ideas and philosophies on this subject, but I've told her about this ignorant and hurtful boy's reputation. What did she say to me? "But Haley, this was in the past. I want to move on and marry D----. I thought you'd be happy." I am happy she's engaged, I really and truly am. I just am upset with the fact she has chosen this certain despicable excuse for a boyfriend, and not to mention a fiancee. I just wish she'll someday see this situation in its true light and seriousness. But, in reality, one can only hope. Will she ever understand?

~Haley Heiderek
