Time Trials Are Annoying...

The Time Trials in Shadow of the Colossus are so annoying! I always end up being a minute or two over the time you need to beat it!

I only got one of those items from that water thing in the back and now I can't beat the Colossus that you fight over water where you have to shoot it off it's perch and it flies at you. Gah!

I'm so annoyed. >.< I want to get all the items and have high HP and Stamina so when I start a new game I can get to that secret garden thing and have everything else beaten in the game. *Hits head on desk*

Anyway, I won't give up... I lost five times already and I don't inted on losing again... *Shifty eyes*

If I do... I'll just scream and play Tales of Symphonia instead. :D

Haha. Bye for now. X3
