Boyfriend, Contest, Tests...

Well, other than the Midterms this week has been fairly good. :D
I joined my first contest... normally I don't join contests because I'm very self conscious of my work. I mean, I'm not the best artist out there... in fact, I fail in comparison to some people on this site so I was pretty worried. But harvestmoonluvr's contest was all Valentine's day related and it seemed really cute. So, I decided to give it a go and even if I don't win, I'm happy because I finally did something I wouldn't have thought of doing in the past. ^^;

And... the picture I'm drawing for the contest, well... I finished. In one night. Uh... and I didn't study. I thought, 'Hey, I'll draw a rough sketch while eating dinner!' Well, I ended up getting so into it... that it's now finished. Colored and everything. XD; It took me about 2 hours and 30 minutes... I'm sad to say I messed up a little... okay a lot, on my character. D: You'll see when I upload it. I hope it's not all that noticeable though.

I lost a lot of study time though. Hehe.

Anyway... moving on... I got a boyfriend. I forgot to mention it in my last post but, yea. His name's Ty. ^^ He's amazing. We live really close and it was funny what happened exactly. After our midterms when the bell rang to go and get on the buses, well, I was having locker trouble... I couldn't open it. I missed the bus because right when I got my locker opened, the buses were pulling out. As for Ty, he was in the bathroom and when I was heading outside I crashed right into him as he was leaving the bathroom. XD And he said he had wanted to talk to me but never found the time. I told him that since we both missed our bus we could talk while we waited to get picked up. So, he pretty much came right out and said that he had liked me for a pretty long time and he asked me out. I said yes. ^^ He was so cute because he thought I would say no so he got all nervous. Hehe. He gave me a hug when my Grandma came to get me.

So, yea... I've been pretty happy lately. D: Oh, God... sorry for such a long post. T.T;

Thanks for reading... if you did. :]
