I don't know who will read this... I have neglected all of you for the longest time and I'm truly sorry for taking long breaks away from here and not commenting or anything.
But tomorrow... I'll be taking another break from TheO and it'll probably be permanent.
I don't want to tell everyone all the bad things that have been happening to me because I know that I'm not the only one going through some rough times right now.
I will say three things though... my grandmother passed away, I'll be moving tomorrow with my Aunt but by moving... I mean out of state and I pretty much destroyed the heart of the person who I love more than anything - my boyfriend.
I don't know if I made the wrong choice because I know a few people who have a perfectly good long distance relationships but I didn't want that for him or me.
So, this will probably be my last post... for now... or forever, whatever happens I just want to thank my friends on here. ^^ It was great getting to know some of you. *Hugs for everyone* Take care guys!