I don't remember most of the meeting in all honesty...I....wasn't exactly "awake" to begin with. The whole thing is kinda just a haze to me. The next thing I knew, I was waking up near the end of the afternoon in Shori's dormroom. At first I had thought we'd missed the entire thing, but luckily I was wrong. Shori informed me of the content...all I need know at least.
"How immensely pointless...though I do like one part of this..." I voiced when he was through with his explanation.
"Really now, and which part would that be?" Shori smirked.
"Getting out of these stuffy academy grounds and out to explore a bit." He repeated in unison with me. Shori knew me far too well. I rolled my eyes and playfully hit him in the stomach.
"Seriously though...just what do they hope to achieve by sending us after the demon? They must KNOW we are strong enough to deal with it." I asked outright.
"Or perhaps they don't. Chances are, this is all a test. I'm also willing to bet it's not as simple as we are all set to assume." Shori conveyed. "Though, I am not worried in the slightest, naturally."
I smiled. "Of course not." I knew well just how strong Shori was, he had nothing to fear...from any race. Even I was a decent fighter, nothing special...but I could subdue a demon easily enough...at least I thought as much...
"Your problem is....you don't have enough faith in your own power Mei." Shori suddenly spoke out, he must've noticed my expression. Approaching, he gently rose my chin with his hand. "You are much stronger than even you realize..."
I smiled slightly and pulled away. I did...I doubted myself...
He sighed. "Anyhow, I have packed my things...we have to go to your room now to gather the rest, and then we should be just in time to depart."
"Understood." I smirked and headed for the door. "You don't think....SHE'LL be there though...do you?"
Shori gave me a nervous glance. "Actually, I'm almost completely sure she'll be there...she was almost as tired as you were after that meeting. Though...her....um...Sebastian didn't have to CARRY her."
I blushed a bit, I realized by his tone that he was playfully targeting me with that comment. Getting a quick idea, I grabbed Shori's shoulder, pulling him down to my level slightly. Leaning up with my mouth, I whispered in his ear lightly, "Race Ya." Then before he could register it I was gone. Off towards my dorm-room.
My small kitty plush flowed in the wind. There was no way Shori would beat me. Not with that luggage. Rounding the corner, almost knocking over several people that happened to get in my way, I didn't stop to even apologize. That would take far too long! I was almost there!!! And then....
"Oh Mei, when will you learn. You have to scope out the shortcuts first..." Shori lectured from the door.
My mouth dropped. "No way!! How did you beat me Sho!!" I shouted approaching him.
"Simple my dear, I took a shortcut." He smirked pointing at the roof. Of course...it had taken me much longer weaving through all the civilians... I narrowed my eyes at him, practically declaring my win in our next battle...uh...game.
"Don't worry about it, point is, we're here. Should we knock fir-"
Before he could finish his sentence I threw open the door. "This is my room too. There is no reason for such courtesies." I declared, though I did keep my voice down a notch...I noticed her sleeping. While I did not like this person...I wasn't about to intentionally be rude. -_- Slowly I began to shift through my stuff...still lying untouched in the corner. I'd only put a couple things away, until I'd gotten bored. >.>'
It was around this time that I heard her shifting around....she was waking up...I looked quickly from side-to-side....yes there was no avoiding it...confrontation was eminent at this point. I just sighed and waited....
As the night moved forward I sat on the branch where I slept the previous night.I started wondering why the headmaster had chosen me as one of his little pawns to do his fighting for him.I wanted to leave as soon as I heard the details of our mission.I began to question if any of these traitorous fools would ever let me be.I knew that I would be the first to attack the main demon and end that stupid mission in one single swipe.No one was going to make me work with these creatures and besides I always fought better alone.
Me:Sorry this is so short I had nothing else to write.
Me:.....I hate you.
i walked out of the room with the crowd. As i exited i saw Sebastian standing out in the corridor, i could feel sleep calling me. Being up this early in the day was NEVER to my liking
"We have the Classes off today and we are to meet at early sunset for further instructions."
"And what is it you will have to do?"
"Some minor demons are terrorising a village... and there is also a large demon in the centre of all this."
Sebastian chuckled a little. "Demons?"
"Yes, it is highly intersting."
"You need your rest now, come."
Sebastian lead me back to my room.
The window was open and a gentle breeze was coming in. i laied down and went to sleep shortly. Dreams of open woods and running at my fasest speed. I was racing my dearest friend, he was behind me yet we both knew he was the fasest.
I watched as Jezabelle went to sleep. I sat against the window, i was confident that Shori would keep his mate with him and i would not have to worry about Shimei entering in. I took off my coat and sat near the window. The breeze was nice and gentle i closed my eyes and could almost IMAGINE the woods back home.
As i leaned back i caught a scent of a familiar friend. I took a quick look out the window and saw no one there... i did however see a single red rose with a black ribbon around it's stem. Shaking my head i grabbed the rose and chucked it onto Jezabelle's bed side table.
I then walked out of the room and went to the showers.
I stumbled out of the room. Demons... why'd it have to be Demons. I walked around a bit... Why did i have to become lost. All i wanted was to go back to sleep!!
Finally i stumbled into a quiet room wih a comfy chair and lounging in it i went to sleep.... an uncomfortable sleep, but SLEEP!!!
The students had all arrived, the only one left to arrive was Able. I continually watched the clock on the wall, each tick of the second hand made me more nervous than the last....waiting....how I loathed it.
My night hadn't exactly been the most pleasant one either...after finding Makoto outside the human girls dorms, I delivered the message to him about the meeting, made sure he returned to his room....and then made my way back to my office. Due to the fact that my room had yet to be repaired from the vandalism, I felt this the best place for me to stay for the night. Needless to say...my night was pretty much well...a sleepless one. After trying and failing several times to sleep on the couch...I decided to spend my night out on the roof, merely waiting for the sun to rise and for life to return to the area. At least I managed to keep a watchful eye on things around the school, at the moment, things seemed very well off.
Once more I gazed up at the clock. Only a couple minutes had passed. This wasn't boding well...I wondered if I should go and check up on Able...perhaps his illness....
"Sir Sinclair." Grim's voice suddenly cut in. "You should begin the meeting. Here." Handing me a notebook, it carried the topics of discussions and main points of the assignment within.
Looking straight into Grim's eyes I understood. "Very well..." Apparently my initial hunch was correct. Able wasn't feeling well enough to attend. He didn't want the students to see him in his state. He trusted me to cover things, after all, it was what I was here for. To back him up no matter what. I just hoped he was alright. "Attention students. I will now explain why you've all been called together this afternoon."
"Bout Damn time!" Makoto exclaimed.
My eyes narrowed as I glared at him...and he avoided my gaze, falling silent. "Now then," I began, Grim made a hasty exit. "This Academy is a very special institute. Not only are our students of varying races, as you well know, but for generations this Institute has been entrusted with tasks of the utmost importance. Tasks regarding the supernatural...most of them with hundreds of lives depending on the outcome. This instance is NO exception."
"What kind of 'supernatural' tasks?" Neo asked quietly.
"We deal with the ruffians and villains of the races in which humans cannot handle. Demons, Vampires, Werewolves, Apparitions, Rampant Fallen Angels....it matters not. If they prove a threat to society, we are enlisted to eliminate them. Do you understand now?" A slight smirk crossed my lips. "Seeing as you are all here, you've been chosen as the lucky few to take on the mission of this time. Your skills were obviously reported as being sufficient for such a task."
"I'm sorry sir, but why have WE been chosen for such things. After all, we are students...shouldn't things like this be left to the proprietors of this institute? I don't see what we get out of it..." Jezabelle asked, bringing up a very good point. Though she hadn't allowed me to get that far just yet.
"Very well, I'll skip to what you need to know." I affirmed. "Yes, you are STUDENTS. Therefore you are to learn not only academics...but physical abilities as well as magical abilities. To those in which it pertains. And so to answer your question, Miss Oread, this is to be viewed as a TRAINING excursion." A sadistic smile crossed my lips. Little did they know we were sending them out merely to test their abilities. This mission was but the first of much more difficult ones to come...it would be nothing compared to the worst they'd be subjected to. "It is very true. I alone could easily defeat the menace...yet what benefit would that bring? Nothing. Oh no, here at Hano we make sure our students learn through Real Life Scenarios. It also stands...that you could very well DIE on this excursion. Any who wish to back out, do so now..."
They all quietly pondered the situation. None made a move.
"Very good. Now for the details." I turned to the projector that had been set up. Flipping the switch, the photo image of a huge demon appeared. "This is your main target. However, he is not alone in his rampage." I flipped the scene to smaller demons. "His minions have flooded a nearby village, holding the townspeople in cells like animals, as fodder. They have spread out and set defenses around the entire village, therefore you will all be separating into small groups, splitting up to defeat all in your path. You should be able to defeat the minions around the outer-edges of the village, to MY knowledge, the Leader is in the center....you will regroup there and defeat him by providing a united front. They may not look formidable, but they are STILL Demons....tricky beasts..." I snarled. Then clearing my throat continued. "Two guardians will be present and on site...but we will not aid you in ANY way! We are merely going to observe you on the field. You will be tested for teamwork abilities, magical skill, as well as how you work under pressure and in real life combat situations."
"Teamwork? I can take out that horde myself..." Makoto objected. "Here you had me going with that DEATH comment too..."
"They do seem pretty simple...pointless..." Shori chimed in.
"I agree, this is lame! Those dudes are pathetic, I could beat em with my eyes closed." James cooed. "I don't see any reason for me to go...pfft."
"Enough!" I objected slamming a heavy book on the table. "You will do what' s asked of you. If you don't wish to go...that is fine...however this is a Large part of your grade, so consider that. Also, any who remain behind on such trifling matters can only be viewed as cowards. Something as 'simple' as this....an easy grade...wouldn't you agree?"
Silence once more.
"We depart for the village early evening. All those present are excused from the day's classes in order to prepare. You must pack for two days worth of travel. It will take the night to reach the village. And then your true test shall begin." I finished, all but concluding the meeting. "Oh and one more thing students..." I stated before exiting. "You will not be guided to the village...you will be given it's location and expected to appear there by your own means. Any deviancy of the course or lateness, will also be penalized. That is all, I will see you all later to give you your final instructions."
With that I left the room, and the students to their chatter or whatever they saw fit.
Going directly to Able's quarters I found him resting in bed. He seemed slightly worn out. I glared at Grim who was in the corner, I often felt he overworked Able. "Have you been to see Sindri?"
"Yes, he says that I need rest...though I think I should be up and..." He started attempting to get out of bed.
I pushed him back down. "If Sindri says you need rest, then you should do that." I ordered him in a fierce tone. "There's no need to worry Able, have you forgotten? I swore to help you make this school a success, and thus I shall. The meeting is over now, all that remains are preparation and departure."
"Yes, about that." Able stated, defiantly sitting up. "Hana is to accompany you and Brenin. She can provide extra support, and her size is helpful as well, don't you think?"
"I suppose so...that's fine." I accepted.
"Also...the mission is not to DESTROY him...please Raphael, you mustn't kill the demon...just capture him and take him back to Hell's gate." Able pleaded. He hated the very thought of murdering any of the races...no matter what the circumstances.
"No need to worry Able..." I consoled him, though I had no intention of making him a promise I wouldn't keep. I would attempt the capture...perhaps...but if that proved too dangerous, then he WOULD be eliminated. Able looked at me, then layed back down. He seemed to be falling asleep slowly. "You take care Able until my return. Don't worry, I'll make sure the students are kept safe. Sleep well my friend, Farewell."
With that I departed to make my own preparations.
TA DAH!! Everyone going on the mission are to prepare and meet at the school gates at SUNSET!!!! UNDERSTOOD?!
X3 Hope you all enjoyed the meeting. hehe.
Finally the class started, and every thing seemed to be going good at the time. Then Brenin Got some planks of wood out to break. I broke mine easily just as did Jezabelle too after me then it was James turn. I begain to look out the window it is a nice night I thought to myself.
Suddenly I felt some thing fly and hit my nose. I was surprised when it hit me and blood begain to come out rather quickly. Just as I was about to wipe it off Jezabelle rushed over to me.
"ohh, look. Poor Clovis are you ok? You have blood dripping from your nose... Here let me get it." She then leaned over to try to lick off the blood.
It was so unexpected I did nothing at all. Why did she feel different now...Why did I just sit there and let her try to lick my blood away...I was never to let anyone test my blood, would my parents say. And I never did....
Then Sebastian came crashing in, then pulled Jezabelle away as quickly as he came.
"Clovis...Do you want to suck my blood?" Jezabelle said before she was pulled away by Sebastian.
"NO,what are you..." She yelled out as he then pulled some blood tablets out of his pocks.
"Jezabelle, eat these. You can't break the rules."
"Rules?" she said
"Jeza, eat them." Sebastian said trying to give them to her.
"Maybe later..... Don't do that Clovis, let me help you." Jezabelle said trying to get to me as I wiped the blood off.
James did nothing but stand there and watch just as others did. Until Brenin came....
"You are interrupting me class Miss, Oread! I will have to ask you to get out NOW." He said.
"Just let me help Clovis!"
"NO!" He yelled "Mr Oread get her out of here and don't let her in untill she's done behaving like a child."
"Yes sir."
Then Sebastian took her out, and after that I didn't see her for some time. What had happened? That was all I could think of all night. The day had ended for us vampires.
And so I walked to my room and as I did i saw Adam on the corner of my eye in the main office talking to, I believe it was sir Grim reaper.When I was about to go in Adam stuck out his mid finger at the teacher and walked away as if nothing. But I could tell if sir Grim was mad or not... I still ran to Adam.
"Hey you can't do that to a teacher you know!"I yelled out at him. He ignored me. I then ran at him and smacked if on the head."Why the hell are you ignoring me?!"
He then grabbed my arm and threw me down on the floor and keeped me there.
"Listen baby bro for your damn complaining. So leave me the hell alone and let me get to my master. Ok pumpkin?"He said then stepped on me and keeped walking away.
It was strange to see HIM like that, but what what got me the most was the fact that he said "my master". He never had or even wanted a master. I thought about it as I went to sleep. When I woke up the next morning James had already left So I did too.
Sorry I haven't done much. I've been way to busy and Now I have to worsted combination. I have writers block and I'm horribly sick!!!! 
I'll try to post up the mission today tho. But pleases understand if I don't.