Hello and welcome to Hano academy!

I am headmasterAble Rutherford The VI.
And I am proud to say that Hano academy is back in business, and classes will be gain soon!

Hano academy is a school for Humans, Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Those that join now will be giving 500$.

That money is for what ever you wish or need for you rooms, missions, extra classes, Field trips and such.
But of course you are giving those thing depending on your status with out using any of your money too.^^

Mission are events that must be taken care of.
There not to be taken lightly! The higher status you Obtain the harder your missions will be.^^

But not all mission are for ever one. As I said before, this school is for Humans. Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Even so if you truly wish to go on a certain mission that is not for your race, you may make a request and the teachers and I will over look it.-_^
Field trip are for all that wish to come and have a good time! Hopefully...
Some are payed for and some you will have to pay.

Now for your rooms, I am sorry to say but do to my horrid writing there....Well.... Rather tiny...So tiny that I don't now how I will make you all get room mates!...So please don't get mad at your room mate for steeping on your bed to leave the room.... But! If you two save enough money you may be able to get a bigger room. It is 3.050$. Boy, those constrain workers are so pricey! And again, if your status is high I will pay one for you. Let's just hope I don't lose my wallet again or flush it down the toilet....

Money is untanned by missions.
There are other ways of obtaining it but you'll just have to figure out...

Members~ Name- Level- Money

Darkittylove-Clovis .V. Seliongrave

Support Kira -Shimei Aoitsuki/Raphael et Sinclair-35 (1.000)
Sacred Moon
Macaiah-Miruki Iroku2-(1.000)
Black kitty doll-Neo Dimetrin-1(1.000)
SojiRem Eliot Hackheart-7 (1.000)
Kill Sasuke -Jezabelle Oread-38 (1.000)
AtticusPersona -Shori Benitsuki/Brenin-7 (1.000)
Elix3r-Skylar Dreylah-10 (1.000)
Duo Maxwell02-Ocean Tide-3 (1.000)
cheriblosomchibi-Meridan Uzuke-12 (1.000)
Dark Smile-Makoto Megami- 7 (500)
Ancient One-Rei Kiba-8 (500)
Shin Shadow-Shadow Daemon-1(500)
Kawaiihoneybunny0-Fuwa Fuwa Tsuroiro-1(500)
Wolfdemonchild9 -Sammie Hikari 1-(500)
Sumirechan-Aura Nightshade2-(500)
Junkodeer- (500)

Teachers for your use~
Grim Reaper-Magic, Valla Valkyrie-PE,Flyt,assist weaponry, Hana Flor-Cook, Summoning, Roku Shinigami-Shape Shifting, Berit-Mecha, The Docter

Class Schedules, etc & Rooms, Classes

I will be around always, so if you need anything I'll be glad to help!^^

(Updates Every Monday)

The Docter!

Name:Sindri Moon Catcher





Birthday:july 1st


eyes:he has dragon-like eyes.left eye:Gold Right eye:Crystal blue.

hair: colour:Silver blue,and dark silver blue at the end.
Lenght:long,reaches above his knees.Usualy ties it,but sometimes lets
it loose.

Likes:animals (especialy reptiles),seafood,all kinds of gems,and children.

Dislikes:sour foods,dirt,and GERMS! X3

Sindri is very positive,if some one is sad,he will try his best to make them happy.He is very happy and sometimes talks a bit too much.He enjoys being the docter at the Hano Acadamy.Sindri can transform into a dragon,either when he chooses or when he bacomes extremly angry (although,he is almost never angry).He loves to tell stories and loves mind games,like Riddles,puzzels,and such.He is atracted to shiny objects,jewelry,gold,and many kinds of gems.

Dragon form:


appearance:like that of a common dragon,2 large wings,muscular forelimbs,and hindlimbs,reptile eyes (still:one gold and one crystal blue),smooth shiny scales.Colour:Light silver blue,claws and tip of ears,wings and tail dark silver blue.

Sindri:Hello! I am Sindri Moon Catcher! I am the docter.
Don't worry,i wont bite! X3

Black Kitty Doll:just dont tell them you're boring stories,nyu! >_<

Rai (Eliot's Room Mate)

Name: Rai Wilder
Age: 17
Gender: male
Hair color: red
Eye color: green
Species: human
Birth Place: Ireland
Personaily: Rai is extremely outgoing and a very positive person. He's so positive sometimes at that it's almost annoying.
Summary: Rai weilds magic easily and without much thought. Because of this, he preformed many spells already and knows a wide varitey of magic. He even made spells of his own like the one he enchanted on his shadow. His shadow is able to take on a human appearence of its own and does Rai's biding whatever it may be.
Goals: Rai wants to experiment with magic and unlock all its secrets, so he came to Hano inorder to accomplish this.


Vampires will have Stealth, Defensive Magic, Spells and Illusion. In stealth you'll learn to be as quite as the air and as swift as a bird. And also look some what invisible to all those around you. Defensive Magic is is for your safety and will be more advanced then the others will learn. It seems many people out there know magic. So well...yeah.

And Spells just as well and also learn spells such as Lovebind,Stop and such. Illusion is almost as the Shape Shifting. But it has it's advantages over shape shift. Like you are able to make people see that which you want them to see.

Demons will have Shape Shifting, Dark Magic and Weaponry. Shape Shifting will be thought by Sir Roku Shinigami and so please do be care full in his classes. In Shape Shifting classes you'll learn how to manipulate your body in to changing your complete appearance and stay that way for long periods of time, even though sleep without straining your body.

In Dark Magic you'll learn all Dark and black magic there is. But please do not use it outside of the class room unless on a mission. Even though the others have Weaponry you will learn things the others will not. Such as how to disarm your opponent, where to hit to destroy there weapon, how to make them and such.

Here are your room mates! ^-^

Shimei Aoitsuki - Jezabella. Room no.001

Ocean Tide - Noe Dimetrinn. Room no.001
Eliot Hackheart - (you can name him Shoji) Room no.002

Skylar Dreylah - Meridan. Room no.001

Clovis .V. Seliongrave - James Room no.001
Shori Benitsuki - Sebastian. Room no.002

Miruki Iroku - (you can name him Macaiah) Room no.001

Again, the rooms are very small... So do be careful not to step and or break your room mates things. Remember The price for a bigger room is 3.050$.
Thank you for you time.


Brenin's Arrival

"This...will be...HIGHLY...unpleasant."

I said to myself as i walked into the academy...

I had strolled my way through simply a few parts of the academy, only familiarizing myself with the offices, my quarters, and my classroom...any more would be a waste of time...of course the offices were all to friendly...

"Hi there, may i see some identification..."

I handed her my id as a teacher and simply looked around, and sniffed around as well...

"Umm, excuse me everything checks out but i dont have a last name on your file..." as she looked at me with curosity. Ready to type my name.

"You wont be needing it" i said grabbing my pass

She had looked at me with surprise as i had walked off briskly.

"Well, arent we Mr. Mysterious" the administrator said re adjusting her seat."However his last name is no where to be found...WHAT! my computer crashed again!....this has to be work of some of the new students...this happens every year i swear!" she yelled as she got up racing to another room.

I smiled a bit, thinking that this campus might hold students that could prove a challenge...not to me of course...but...

Looking at the sun i realized it...
"CRAP! I am going to be late to the stupid assembly!"

Of course i got there mere seconds before it started, of course excusing myself through lines of teachers. While a few caught my eyes none seemed familiar at all..."Good!" i thought to myself.

I sat and watched the assembly start, of course the head master had started with his introductions

He had proceeded to talk about equality, a part of me thought it was a admirable goal but one that is all to hard to obtain i thought as a pair of wings nearly hit me in the face, oddly enough a black one and a white one. This world is getting more interesting by the day...

While the Angel had proceeded to talk to the students i had just scanned the crowd looking for potential as well as weakness... unfortunately this school had so many types of students that judging them without a fair fight first would be rather getting ahead of myself.

I had continued to scan the crowd...then i finally saw what i was scanning for
"Well met, Young vampire...yet again" i had said under my breathe, i knew they had noticed me...for the woman gripping his arm had pointed me out and he had nodded.

"Well Young Benitsuki...have you been keeping up with your training...we shall find out soon enough..."

I laughed slightly under my breathe just in time to see a Fairy floating off in front of my face...

"Stupid fairies...happy for no apparent reason.

I had looked over and apparently it was my turn to speak...

I sighed as i got out of my chair...walked up to the podium ... i knew the students were expecting to hear tales of wisdom...ideals of equality...while it is possible...its not while i am here...i am here for a simple reason i thought to myself...

"Hello...I am Brenin...You may call me just that...I teach weaponry as well as hand to hand fighting...You met my assistant...Be on time to my class or dont show up.Be prepared to take a beating. And above all if you think you are going to die just drop my class, i will not waste my time with students who are not serious...Thank you...oh and f you are weak to the sight of blood dont show up either."

Sitting down...the students clapped hesitantly...i laughed, cause some thought i was joking.

The assembly had ended...this meant the teachers then had to go to a meeting of sorts...i walked behind everyone...just simply fitting in...i had hated to stand out amongst a crowd...with what i have been through sometimes it helps me feel as though nothing is wrong.

I eyed the angel...

"Yea...i dont stand out at all...he is doing that job for me" i snickered to myself.

The headmaster had told us about a interesting proposition...as i was about to say something i had of course realized it would not be heard anyway...but the thought of my answer still loomed in my head...

"To the praying mothers and the worried fathers, let your children go, if they come back hey will come home stronger, and if they dont...you will know exactly where they are."

I had gone my separate way from the rest...all of them getting ready to teach their classes teaching the students how to build their knowledge showing them where to begin with their lives.

I opened the doors to my class room...disgusted...Blackboards...desks...Rulers...
i strolled through a center aisle.. gently gliding my hand against some desks... i walked up the the chalk board...wrote a little something...strolled back down the aisle...threw my bag against a wall...flipped forward on my left hand centering all my weight on it, doing a half spin to gather momentum, i outstretched my legs wit this force and kicked 4 desks across the room, that each hit other desks, causing a circle to be in the center of the class...

i walked out of the class....

The Board would read for my early students...
"I wont teach you how to build, but how to tear apart!"

Young Benitsuki...you will by my exception...for THEY gave an end but not where to start, i will show you where to start...and how to change that end they have designated for you and your little princess...

School begins

The first day of school began yet our first assembly was to be during the day. I slept on, until a gentle knocking came from my door,
"ehhhhhhhhhhhh," i groaned. the door opened to reveal Sebastian come into the room.

"Cousin, we are to attend the assembly. Shall i escort you?"
"ehhhhh," i groaned again as he came and sat on my bed.
"Understood. What do you wish to wear today?"
"eh," i sat up and brushed my hand through my hair. I watched as sebastian rummaged through my clothing to pick a dress out. He grabbed a black long sleeve dress and held it up to me.
"But cousin, the sun is still up. Why do they expect us to attend at such a ludicrous time?"
"We must show our respect for the other races. Who knows they might not be able to attain the night like we are able to handle the sun."
"Understood cousin." i got up and stood on my bed. I grabbed at the dress and looked at him watching me.
"You have to come cousin."
"I know cousin. I'll be coming.... now get out so i might dress."
"Of course cousin." he smirked and walked out the door. I could tell he was waiting for me outside the door. i dressed into the dress he had picked for me and brushing my hair placed it back up into a loose bun. My eyes barley opened i walked out the door and bumped into Sebastian.

"Amazing." Sebastian turned around and looked down into my eyes.
"Did you not think i would come?"
"If i remember you usually do agree to come and then you go back to sleep and curse the elders when they smash down your door and order you to go."
I popped up my umbrella and started walking towards the assembly area. I was in the front of the vampire group. i sat down with Sebastian sitting no where near me, most likely to do something.....

I slept gently while sitting straight up. My bangs where obsuring my eyes as they remained closed to the rantings and talking from the teachers on stage. Eventually the teachers stopped talking and the students started walking away into their respectful dorms or classes.

I went back to my room, pasing the familiar presence of vampires i walked past. The sun soarching my legs as i walked the grounds. I could hear the ruckus around me yet i felt removed from it all... until.... a loud bang came from the classrooms.
I walked with Jezabelle by my side. Her head lolling slowly as she walked. Holdin onto her umbrella to keep it up as she was almost sleep walking. My umbrella remained alofed as i watched around me. I finally saw him, James. As Jezabelle entered the assembly to sit down i let go of her umbrella and stayed back to wait for James.

"Your not late? Interesting."
"Get lost, i'm not in the mood." his fangs sharp as knives.
"Your not the only one who doesn't like the day." i saw Mei being carried in by shori and noticed how right i was.
"Get lost fag boy."
"James," i said my head leaning to the side as i silently insisted he not use such language.
"Oh, for god sake, leave it. I ain't gonna spill any blood. Or don't you remeber that i was one of the OH SO lucky few who isn't part of your clan that has seen..." i shoved my hand over his mouth and hissed.
"Don't say it out loud."
"What do you want?" he asked yet before i could answer him the speakers started up.
"I'll tell you later." i whispered in his ear as i walked away and sat back down.

I silently watched as the teacher introduced themselves. I looked around me wanting to observe my surroundings. My attnetion was on the students until....

"Hello there my dear students of Hano. I am your beautiful and kind teacher Shinigami Roku. I will be teaching shape shifting to you lovely students."

My eyes snapped into the sight of this man, i mezmerized everything i could. I had always been intrested in shape shifting....
As the students left i made sure Jezabelle began to walk towards the dorms again. Her self disconnected to the world around her. James quickly ducked out of the assembly and towards an unknown destination.

I headed towards the office i wished to change subjects. I had no use for defence or even weapondry, i had already learnt all i needed... however shapeshifting would be of invaluble use. I needed to change subjects, and hopefully Jezabelle would not mind my leaving her alone in ONE subject... and hopefully nothing too horrendous would happen. Like someone spilling blood... anywhere!
I rushed out of the assembly and towards well ANYWHERE, as long as it was away from Sebastian....

I didn't want to remeber what i had to several days ago. That day.... My strength wasn't enough..... I had since then practised with all my might to increase my strength and skill.... no one would kill the ones i loved again....

My mind wondered to the day i lost everyone.... My clan was betrayed...Jezabelle's clan was too but mine... it was no more. I had clawed to her doorstep, anywhere, i just needed to get help. The blood had been pouring into my eyes, the snow, everywhere except into my veins. The door opened, light pouring out over my body. All i remeber was seeing those feet, the dainty little feet of Jeza as she rushed to my aid. I don't remember anythin from that. All i do remember is wakin up, in a hospital next to others like myself, not strong enough to defend themselves... or those that had been merciful....

Then Jeza came in. She chucked a blanket into my face, and said 'common' get up and make your bed. We have worse people here then you, and they need the bed.' She then went on to attend to the others. Sebastian at her side telling her what to do. I hadn't known she was a pureblood like myself until many weeks later... I was a........

Jezabelle, Sebasatian and James.