Hello and welcome to Hano academy!

I am headmasterAble Rutherford The VI.
And I am proud to say that Hano academy is back in business, and classes will be gain soon!

Hano academy is a school for Humans, Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Those that join now will be giving 500$.

That money is for what ever you wish or need for you rooms, missions, extra classes, Field trips and such.
But of course you are giving those thing depending on your status with out using any of your money too.^^

Mission are events that must be taken care of.
There not to be taken lightly! The higher status you Obtain the harder your missions will be.^^

But not all mission are for ever one. As I said before, this school is for Humans. Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Even so if you truly wish to go on a certain mission that is not for your race, you may make a request and the teachers and I will over look it.-_^
Field trip are for all that wish to come and have a good time! Hopefully...
Some are payed for and some you will have to pay.

Now for your rooms, I am sorry to say but do to my horrid writing there....Well.... Rather tiny...So tiny that I don't now how I will make you all get room mates!...So please don't get mad at your room mate for steeping on your bed to leave the room.... But! If you two save enough money you may be able to get a bigger room. It is 3.050$. Boy, those constrain workers are so pricey! And again, if your status is high I will pay one for you. Let's just hope I don't lose my wallet again or flush it down the toilet....

Money is untanned by missions.
There are other ways of obtaining it but you'll just have to figure out...

Members~ Name- Level- Money

Darkittylove-Clovis .V. Seliongrave

Support Kira -Shimei Aoitsuki/Raphael et Sinclair-35 (1.000)
Sacred Moon
Macaiah-Miruki Iroku2-(1.000)
Black kitty doll-Neo Dimetrin-1(1.000)
SojiRem Eliot Hackheart-7 (1.000)
Kill Sasuke -Jezabelle Oread-38 (1.000)
AtticusPersona -Shori Benitsuki/Brenin-7 (1.000)
Elix3r-Skylar Dreylah-10 (1.000)
Duo Maxwell02-Ocean Tide-3 (1.000)
cheriblosomchibi-Meridan Uzuke-12 (1.000)
Dark Smile-Makoto Megami- 7 (500)
Ancient One-Rei Kiba-8 (500)
Shin Shadow-Shadow Daemon-1(500)
Kawaiihoneybunny0-Fuwa Fuwa Tsuroiro-1(500)
Wolfdemonchild9 -Sammie Hikari 1-(500)
Sumirechan-Aura Nightshade2-(500)
Junkodeer- (500)

Teachers for your use~
Grim Reaper-Magic, Valla Valkyrie-PE,Flyt,assist weaponry, Hana Flor-Cook, Summoning, Roku Shinigami-Shape Shifting, Berit-Mecha, The Docter

Class Schedules, etc & Rooms, Classes

I will be around always, so if you need anything I'll be glad to help!^^

(Updates Every Monday)


Name: Brenin

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 6'5

Hair: Grey

Eyes: black

Race: Werewolf

Element: None

Birth Land: London

Personality: Very Direct, no nonsense personality. Feels that the world is very black and white, sees things in false or true, strong and weak, etc. Otherwise very kept to himself. Has a very specific agenda at the school that only has a single goal.

Past: "his past has been destroyed, all evidence of his whereabouts before leaving london have been destroyed. he has gone as far as to destroy the records of his existence in his familys legacy. Which at the time was known for being the strongest as well as most ruthless clan of werewolves across various parts of london with little to no oppisition.

School begains

Final all that paperwork was done with. I was Happy that Grim was with me all that time, but it was a bit uncomfterble having him watch over me like a hawk...

The day came, the day this academy would finally be revived after so many years. I was happy and excited. I began to get

ready and as I left my office I began to feel the horrid pain I had felt sense I was a child, the pain that was to kill me some day... I leaned against the wall for a bit, waiting for the retched pain to leave. Just As I was about to pass out the pain had finally left. Laying there, motionless for a bit I regained my strength, got up and headed towards the stage in front of the school where everyone awaited my arrival.

Emerging from the the main halls and seeing the faces of all these there, the students and the teachers made me forget what had happened earlier. I felt so happy. And I began to greet every one.

"Good Day to you all! Students of Hano Academy!" I began."I bid you a sincere welcome and dearly hope you all enjoy your time here! Our staff of teachers have gathered for the single purpose of offering you the most excellent of educations here at the prestigious academy of Hano. Please all of you, do your best and learn to embrace ALL Races! For at our establishment, there is no prejudice...only equality."

I looked at Raphael and smiled at him. "...now to present one of our Head Teachers, Sir Raphael et Sinclair." I announced.He didn't seem to be used to having people cheer him on.

"Good Day to you all. My name is Raphael et Sinclair. I shall be teaching you World History at this school, and also assisting Ms. Valkyrie with Flight Lessons for the Angels." I began. "It's a great pleasure to formally meet you all, and I look forward to being your teacher. But please understand and follow the rules and conducts of the school at all times. I shall not tolerate any transgressions. That is all." Raphael said then step down.

Next I introduced Valla. She brushed her hair with her fingers as she came up and all she said was. "I am Valla Valkyrie. I will be teaching you Angels how to fly properly, physical education and I will be assisting in weaponry. And I expect EVERYONE to be on time or you shall answer to me!!!" And with that she step down.

A bit violent at the end...I thought. But Valla will be Valla.

Next I tried to introduce Hana Flor. But she seemed too overwhelmed with happiness, giggling and couldn't seem to stand still even for a second. She slowly began to walk to podium but was too excited and transformed to her normal fairy self and flew away. She was not yet used crowds of people she did not know. And so I did it for her.

"And that was Ms,Hana Flor. She will teaching cooking classes and music also. She is a bit shy some times so do be patient with her."

Then I was going to introduce Grim but he seem to want to say anything. He was emotionless as ever and staring out in to the nothingness he was. So I skipped and went to Roku Shinigami. He had his brown long hair this time. He walked up with that big smile of his and said.

"Hello there my dear students of Hano. I am your beautiful and kind teacher Shinigami Roku. I will be teaching shape shifting to you lovely students."

I looked at Grim and Raphael a moment as Shinigami spoke. They looked displeased and uncomfterble by Shinigami's apiece. They both didn't like Shinigami at all, I wondered why they did... I turned my attention back to Shinigami and just in time it seemed.

"And if any one here gets lonely or ever need some one to talk to, you are welcome to come to my room..." He spoke.

Hearing that I quickly grabbed the mic before Shinigami could say something else we all would live to regret.

"And that was Roku Shinigami." I said a bit enbarest.

The meeting went on for a bit longer after that. When it was done I had asked the teachers that attended to walk with me a bit to tell them something.

"This wont take long." I began. "I just got a letter from a near by town that need something taken care of. And I wanted to ask you all be for the classes start if we should send the students or not?.."

Valla quickly spoke. "Yes, they should go in now! We most see how wreathe they are to stay here."

"You are quick to speak Ms Valla." Grim said to her.

Shinigami then spoke."Hahaha! What a wonderful idea I say! Simply wonderful. I would love to go too, I haven't seen blood for some time. Ah, blood..."

"I do not wish to hear what you have to say Roku!!!" Said Raphael sickened by the thought of blood.

"Yes Roku. You'd be wise not to speak such garbage when with us." Grim said holding Shinigami by the caller.

"Please don't fight!" I yelled worried. They stoped then listen to what I had to say.

"I don't need an answer now, so pleases do think of it and we will all meet later." I smiled.

And with that they all left to their duties and I to the school's doctor.

And So it Begins...

Classes were about to start at Hano and Skylar was… well, he was here. Being a Fallen Angel could be rough on a man and even worst was the tests he was about to go through. Sky didn’t think Hano would be a problem but shifting between human guise and his Angel state was going to be hell on his body. Tests… he thought to himself… if only it were just the academies tests he was worried about.

In Skylars human form he was legitimately human. That meant he was weaker… he felt, he bled but oh god did he feel. It was an odd concept for those who are not used to Fallen Angels or one of the “13”. The 13 were good at hiding themselves. Seeing as how whatever form they decided to take was the form their bodies took qualities of then they blended with mortals quite well, if not too well. It was just a pain for Sky because sometimes he didn’t always have time to switch over to a stronger form before taking damage. He had ended up with more scars then he cared to remember…

Skylar woke up extra early so that he could escort Ocean to the grand hall. He had already scoped out areas of concern for the young man so that he would know the quickest paths if need be.

After Sky was dressed and ready he made his way across the campus to the dorms where Ocean was assigned. Sky knew that Ocean wouldn’t be spending too much time in there but he bothered to remember where it was none the less.

Sky knocked on the door three times and then paused. Ocean came to the door rubbing sleep from his eyes. Sky tapped underneath of his chin with a hooked finger and walked past him into the room.

“I would have thought that you would be excited for this day O.” Sky said as he sat on the scattered sheets of Oceans bed.

Ocean groaned and sat next to Sky brushing out his hair and carefully pulling it back into a braid. Sky couldn’t help but laugh knowing that Ocean hated mornings and when Sky meant morning it was usually hours before a destination was to be made.

“Why do you always do this?” Ocean asked groggily.

“Do what?” Sky replied, hiding a smirk.

“Wake me up when I could be sleeping at least…” Ocean looked at his alarm clock, “2 more hours?!”

“Because you take forever…”

Ocean threw himself back down into the warm covers that he had just retreated from a few moments ago and tossed the covers over his head to catch a few more Z’s.

Skylar watched in amusement at the laziness of the boy that he thought would never grow out of his youthful habits. Sky sat on the bed side and adjusted the covers so that Ocean could go back to sleep comfortably. He was going to go sit on the other side of the room when a slim arm wrapped around Skys’ waist. Ocean pulled himself into Skys’ side and was already motionless. Sky listened to the sound of Oceans’ breathing as he awaited the chime of the alarm clock to go off.

*Final Fantasy Inn Music*

The sound of small Chinese bells began to echo as Ocean awoke. He reached out from under the blankets and clicked the snooze button to his clock. He rolled out of bed and dragged himself to the bathroom to get ready for the first day of a new adventure.

Skylar excused himself and took post outside the boys’ dorm. When Ocean was finally ready he popped outside and hurried Skylar along to the Main Hall.

Ocean was excited about his first day and all the sights he would see. Skylar, on the other hand, was not as enthusiastic about Ocean being in a place where fatalities could occur if one of the other races decided to be careless. Skylar knew he would be standing within a good range of whatever building that Ocean would be attending. Sky wasn’t paranoid… just cautious.

Skylar kept an eye on Ocean as he introduced himself to things he had no idea what they were. Sky knew that Hano was supposed to be a place where all races could come together but how often did that work without at least one casualty? Only time would tell…

The gathering and announcements were over with and the Angels were report to their first set of classes. Skylar walked Ocean as close to his dorm as possible and jetted for the assigned class that was on the roster posted outside the main hall. Skylar had memorized the roster but he still wanted a paper copy to save for his records. To some people Skylar had seemed OCD but he never saw it that way. He knew that if you prepare for the future now then it will save you time when something did happen.

Skylar stepped into the class room to see a nervous Raphael et Sinclair. His glittering indigo eyes met those of Mr. Sinclair and he gave a slight bow.

“Good Morning Sir.” Skylar announced with gentle tones.

Skylar sat himself in the front row closest to the windows.


Wow! I didn’t know I was going to type that much!

I just wanted to note that Duo is busy and won’t be posting for a bit. Since I asked Duo to play Ocean for me I will be posting instead!

((Duo, we miss you T_T ))

Skipping Class? Nope :P

For most of the days before school was actually to start I held up in my room. There wasn't much to do around the buildings, so I spent most of my time hacking the school's computers. It was something easy and fun to pass the time, but after a while even that became boring. When that happened I would open my window and climb up the wall of the dorm and sit on the roof.

On the day school was scheduled to start, I saw a procession line of.........I guess you would call them people........walking to the main hall. I sighed and followed. Probably some over exaggerated 'beginning of school meeting'

And yep it was. I sat through it tiredly, and once all the intros were finished, I returned to my dorm and got back on the computer. I had class in about three hours or so, but until then.....I was free to do what I wanted.

I had the sudden urge to type up a new fractal code virus that would allow me to hack any of the schools computers any time I wanted, and that was exactly what I did. As I finished making the program, I saved it onto a flash drive and hung it around my neck.

After that I got out a book and started reading for my next class. Good grief Mom...if you could see me now......a logical human in a magical academy... I laughed a bit and turned a page in the book.

WHat the..... I thought as I realized excatly what I was reading. It was.......the Necromancy section of the Dark Magic's book.



XD hahah my poor Eliot. He's so not used to magic *pat pat pat*

The Schedule

When we had taken Clovis to get his bags that night, we found that there was no one in the room. I was slightly disappointed...I really wanted to see the man that had frightened CLOVIS. The next few days...well nights had passed rather quickly. Nothing too great had happened...frankly it was rather boring. Until just before school began. Another one of "Them" appeared. A pureblood....possibly even worse than that arrogant Jezabelle woman. Apparently his name was James...and he was horrible...always walking about with his fangs out and a disgusting air of arrogance surrounding him at all times.

Shori and I had avoided him...avoided them all. But now it was time to head for a meeting of some sort...in the MORNING of all times...

"I don't wanna go Shori...I'm still sleepy..." I whined as he carried me on his back.

"It won't be long Mei...try to make it a little longer okay?" Shori consoled me in his gentle tone. I smiled and stopped my complaining.

The vampires were all escorted to the main hall under the protection of a line of umbrella's, held up by the school employees I guess. Clovis found us and walked with us inside, where Shori had to put me down as we all stood awaiting the Headmaster of the school.

The teachers were all gathered...they were of varying races. I saw the angel from that night, another with wings, a fairy, a werewolf(who looked slightly familiar), and....and....DEATH GODS! TWO OF THEM! My eyes widened as I looked upon them...the one on the left...he had to be the one that scared Clovis...the aura coming off him was downright sinister...and just beside him stood the other. His demeanor was just as sinister...but there wasn't quite the same bloodthirstyness....if that made sense...

"Shori..." I whispered loudly trying to motion to him. He nodded at me...of course he'd already seen as well.

I stood quietly...just waiting for it all to be over. And when it FINALLY was...we returned to the dorms. Instead of going back to MY dorm though, I went with Clovis and Shori to theirs. So that we could discuss the schedules we'd been presented.

"World History...that's with that Sinclair guy..." I snickered. "Oh precious Mr. Sinclair...I will uncover the secret of that wing of yours...fufufu...just you wait..."

Shori put his arms over me from behind and slouched on me a bit. "Oh Mei, just what are you scheming, my dear?"

"Nothing to be trifled with Shori." I smiled mischievously.

"She hasn't changed one bit..." Clovis laughed slightly. "What else do we have...let's see...there's the typical Math and Science...but what's this? Weaponry, and even Defense as well? My my Shori, these are classes in which you shall excel."

Shori stood up straight and threw down his schedule. "Chh...too easy I say. I doubt anyone in this entire academy can give me a decent challenge. Almost disappointing, especially the fact that the teacher will no doubt believe they could "teach" me something I don't already know."

"No kidding!" I threw in. "After all Shori...you're able to fight with or without a weapon...in nearly ALL the styles known to man and demon alike! You're so strong...not even a creature of another race would stand a chance against you...." I smiled...swooning a bit in all his brilliance.

"Now if I only had the motivation." He joked. Yes...there was a lot of sleeping in Shori's forecast.

"What else...what the?!" I stated stepping back a bit...my eyes glued to the schedule.

"What?!" Both Shori and Clovis chimed simultaneously.

"M....m.....m....music...." I stuttered.

Shori busted up the loudest I'd heard him laugh for a long time.

"It's NOT funny Shori...and it says ALL THE RACES will attend this class together...most likely in the evening..." I sighed.

"What are you worried about Shimei?" Clovis queried. "You're terrific with instruments...why you play the most beautiful harpsichord I have ever heard..."

"That doesn't mean I wanna learn them all over again...or that I'd even LIKE playing for anyone else...ugh..." I commented sullenly.

"Don't you worry Mei, it'll all be fine." Shori spoke between breaths. "Your "music class" will be just like my "combat classes"....no fair to either one of us. Or anyone...else...for that matter!!!" He started back with his laughter.

"Ugh! Shori knock it offfffff!!!" I whined pounding him gently with my fists...throwing a slight tantrum.

"Ha ha...okay...if you so wish it. I'll stop..." He relinquished taking my wrists and turning me around to take hold of me again.

Clovis smiled and made his way to the nearby seat. "Well, nevertheless, I'm sure this will prove an interesting venture. Let's see if they can truly keep this school together...shall we?"

We all smiled maliciously in silence for a brief moment. Then I suddenly gasped and pulled away in realization. Pounding my fist into the open palm of my other hand...and making sure I had both Shori and Clovis's COMPLETE attention, I made a declaration...

"There was a FAIRY among the teachers!" I shouted. "I wonder...if we catch her...do you think she'll grant us a wish?!!"

Clovis and Shori nearly fell over in shock, but started laughing loudly once more. I smiled and laughed with them...it was nice...

Sorry it's taken me so long to post everyone...been insanely busy. -_-' Anyhow! Hope you enjoyed meh post! LOL