Hello and welcome to Hano academy!

I am headmasterAble Rutherford The VI.
And I am proud to say that Hano academy is back in business, and classes will be gain soon!

Hano academy is a school for Humans, Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Those that join now will be giving 500$.

That money is for what ever you wish or need for you rooms, missions, extra classes, Field trips and such.
But of course you are giving those thing depending on your status with out using any of your money too.^^

Mission are events that must be taken care of.
There not to be taken lightly! The higher status you Obtain the harder your missions will be.^^

But not all mission are for ever one. As I said before, this school is for Humans. Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Even so if you truly wish to go on a certain mission that is not for your race, you may make a request and the teachers and I will over look it.-_^
Field trip are for all that wish to come and have a good time! Hopefully...
Some are payed for and some you will have to pay.

Now for your rooms, I am sorry to say but do to my horrid writing there....Well.... Rather tiny...So tiny that I don't now how I will make you all get room mates!...So please don't get mad at your room mate for steeping on your bed to leave the room.... But! If you two save enough money you may be able to get a bigger room. It is 3.050$. Boy, those constrain workers are so pricey! And again, if your status is high I will pay one for you. Let's just hope I don't lose my wallet again or flush it down the toilet....

Money is untanned by missions.
There are other ways of obtaining it but you'll just have to figure out...

Members~ Name- Level- Money

Darkittylove-Clovis .V. Seliongrave

Support Kira -Shimei Aoitsuki/Raphael et Sinclair-35 (1.000)
Sacred Moon
Macaiah-Miruki Iroku2-(1.000)
Black kitty doll-Neo Dimetrin-1(1.000)
SojiRem Eliot Hackheart-7 (1.000)
Kill Sasuke -Jezabelle Oread-38 (1.000)
AtticusPersona -Shori Benitsuki/Brenin-7 (1.000)
Elix3r-Skylar Dreylah-10 (1.000)
Duo Maxwell02-Ocean Tide-3 (1.000)
cheriblosomchibi-Meridan Uzuke-12 (1.000)
Dark Smile-Makoto Megami- 7 (500)
Ancient One-Rei Kiba-8 (500)
Shin Shadow-Shadow Daemon-1(500)
Kawaiihoneybunny0-Fuwa Fuwa Tsuroiro-1(500)
Wolfdemonchild9 -Sammie Hikari 1-(500)
Sumirechan-Aura Nightshade2-(500)
Junkodeer- (500)

Teachers for your use~
Grim Reaper-Magic, Valla Valkyrie-PE,Flyt,assist weaponry, Hana Flor-Cook, Summoning, Roku Shinigami-Shape Shifting, Berit-Mecha, The Docter

Class Schedules, etc & Rooms, Classes

I will be around always, so if you need anything I'll be glad to help!^^

(Updates Every Monday)


Roku Shinigami (Shape Shifting)
Hair:He always changes it's color, style, ad legh
but it's mostly dark brown,mid back level, lose and messy.
Eyes:Blood red
Birth land:?

Personality:His personality depends on what his hair color is.
Odd, yes. Brown= crazy Red= blood thirsty Blond= Too kind

Comment: Grim and Shini where good friends at one time but by certain event
not unknown their friendship as broken. And they agreed to help each other
with their jobs (other even teaching). Shinigami can kill any one he wants
if he can get them no exceptions. His only limit to killing is that he can
only kill 10 people in 2 days, he can not kill any more then that until 4
more days have past. He usually has to wait those 4 days.

Because of that Shinigami is always being watched by all those at the school
and was given a bracelet to know where is and who he is. He teachse shape shifting to the demons, and is a master at this art. And usese it all the time to tick people into doing things for him.

Shinigami is not to be trusted uless he gives he word. When he give his word to something he has to forfill it. Other then that no one should trust him.
And he...Well likes boys and girls...XD


I had so much to do before school could begin. I'd gotten a roster of all the students to attend, and was quite surprised by it. It would seem the races truly wanted their children to learn how to "get along" with one another. All this time...perhaps things would start to move in the right direction...towards peace. The only reason I had come here...it was not for some meager teaching job. It was as a favor to my old friend Able. The Headmaster to this school. Hano had been passed down his family for generations, yet there was a time when it was thought it would no longer continue. A time of great strife...of fire...of death and rebirth.

As an angel...I had seen many things in the span of my lifetime. Things that made me smile...things that brought me to tears. Even things I found inconceivable. There were perhaps none who had witnessed the atrocities I had. At times, it made me doubt my faith...it truly did. And yet, the part of me that held true, could never turn away.

I grabbed the stack of papers from my desk, and filed them all away neatly. It was almost nightfall...and I could sense the presence of several others entering the campus. All converging at once...how very odd.

As I exited in the hall, I immediately witnessed a pair of vampires. They were locked in an embrace, and I couldn't help but stare out of curiosity. A girl poked her head out to assess me...her eyes lingering on my right wing for some time...my blackened wing. A small smirk crossed my lips. She was a curious one.

"A Good Evening to the both of you...I see students have begun to arrive already." I paused, considering this all in my mind. "Quite promptly. Commendable." I hadn't realized I'd said that aloud. I valued order above all things...I didn't mean to voice my opinions so frankly though. I'd yet to introduce myself. "Ahem. Yes, My name is Raphael et Sinclair. I am a teacher here at Hano. Well Met."

"Well met, Mister Sinclair. I am Shimei, of the Aoitsuki clan. I look forward to seeing you in class." The Girl Greeted.

"Yes, Good Evening sir." The Boy followed. "I am Shori Benitsuki. Well Met."

I smiled. Yes...very polite. They know their places very well. "Very good. I won't keep you any longer. We all have things to attend to before classes begin. It was a pleasure to have met you both. Do make sure you behave yourselves."

Before they could respond, I left them to their business. Even IF that would be something precarious. Things would have go on their respective paths. I could not stop fate...this is one of the many things I had learned in my vast lifetime.

Walking the school grounds, I inspected the areas for any other straggling students. Perhaps to aid them should they be lost. I doubted any "human" students should be wandering about at night...not here of all places...

I scouted around for quite awhile, and yet, there were no lost students. I could swear I sensed the presence of a demon coming near...

I closed my eyes to lay down a net of energy. In order to find all in the immediate area and to place my own little energy signature on them. This way, I would know where all of them were at all times. It was my duty as a teacher to protect them, this meant knowing their respective locations.

An archaic circle appeared high above the school...and came down slowly. Only another angel would be able to see this, but no matter who or WHAT they were...they could not resist it...or avoid it's purpose. Any and all would have to simply relax and allow it to run it's course. After the spell was completed, I felt all the presences very clearly. They seemed to all be clustered in the same area. No, two were leaving the area. The vampires I had encountered.

A human was in the center of the courtyard, a vampire sat nearby, as well as another presence. An angel...no...a fallen angel. He was so young...to have fallen...but I did not question him. I myself having my faith shattered on more than one instance. Continuing on. Yet another Vampire left the area as I scanned further along. As I thought, a demon was approaching. A demon...and another Human as well. Another vampire approaching was nearly to the main gates.

I opened my eyes and began in the direction of the said demon. They were the fiercest of the races, enemies of angels...I wished to see this demon with my own eyes. To see if they truly came here peaceably. If I discovered they hadn't....

Suddenly as a gust of wind passed, I caught the unmistakable scent of blood. My eyes widened and I fell to my knees. One hand grasping my stomach, and the other clasping my mouth, I tried to fight off the urge to vomit. It was futile...rushing to the nearby brush I let it out...

I hated blood...I could no longer stand the very smell of it. I stood up and tried to regain my composure...

The sky began to cry...the rain sweeping across the entire area in a matter of moments. It was like a monsoon type rain. Washing away everything. I opened the nearest classroom and grabbed an umbrella. I felt better with the rain, ironically...and so I went out into it. Forgetting about the demon for now, I approached the main gates. Standing there quietly until a student ran up to me in a panic. He'd been frightened by one of the teachers...Roku Shinigami. I would have to have a little 'chat' with him about his conduct.

After finding out the student was Clovis Victorian Seliongrave, it only made the situation worse for Roku. I was thoroughly displeased. I informed Mister Seliongrave of just where his quarters were, and then made my way toward the building.

"Wait! I didn't catch your name!" He called out.

"Raphael et Sinclair." I answered without looking back. I was on a mission now...Roku was about to hear a piece of my mind.

Raph's POV! haha, anyone may run into him in the corridor. ^^ He's in a bit of a rage right now though. hahaha. Um, I made a point to address the new members I.E. Demon, human, so that you may enter however you see fit! I look forward to it! Well, then, later! :)


I took my time walking to Hano Academy. I was in no rush and classes worn going to start for a week or two I thought.
It took me a week to get there, but Like I said I was in no rush.

It began to sprinkle a bit. So I looked up at the sky and wondered to my self, "where did those clouds come form?!"
There worn any before... Right after I began walking again the rain began to pour down.

"Great... What luck do I have..." I said to my self.

I keeped walking until I reached the main gate to the school.
With everything I owned at the time in a bag over my shoulder and completely soaking wet, I opened the gates to Hano hoping to find some where to dry my self. I head to the building in the middle. Knowing that was when the classes were taught.

I went in to a class room and began drying everything in my bag that got wet then took of my shirt to dry as well.
I looked out the window to star at the moon from holes the clouds did as they moved. I tried to dry my hair with a towel I had in my bag that wasn't wet as I watch the moon. I zoned of a bit just looking at the moon, suddenly I felt some one behind me.

"My,my...I see a lovely student in my class room."

I quickly turned to face him. He had the eyes of a killer....

"I didn't mean to intrude, I just needed to find a place to dry my self off."

"No....I don't mind. It's not every day I find a beautiful student in my class room. I was getting lonely..."He said getting closer to me.

I felt the hair on my skin rise. I tried to back away as much as I could, but the man keeped coming closer and closer.
I did not like the energy that man was giving off. Not knowing what to do I opened the window and jump out in to the rain again leaving my things back in the class room.

Finally after running around a bit, I saw an angelic man walking through the main gate with an umbrella in one hand and a bag in the other. I walked up to him and ask, "Sir, do you happen to work here?" He looked at me with his bight blue eyes and said "Yes, I do..." then moved his big black umbrella so we both wouldn't get wet.

But I could tell he was wondering why I was running around without a shirt and wet to the bone.

"You do know that students do have to were shirts here..."


"You should go back to your dorm and get dry." I said a bit annoyed by me looking the way I did.

"yeah I know. But I just got here and this really strange guy kinda freak me-"

"What man?!" He interrupted.

"Oh, uh...He had dark pinkish long hair and blood red eyes." I replied a bit confused.

"Roku.... Shinigami...." I could here him whisper to him self.

Then begin walking to the school, but stop and asked me "What is your name?"

"Oh, it's Clovis Seliongrave." I answer yet again in the rain.

"Clovis Victorian Seliongrave,eh...?Ah yes. You belong in the south wing. You should go there now. I have matters to attend to." Then begin walking to the school.

"WAIT! I didn't catch your name!" I yelled out.

"Raphael et Sinclair." He replayed with out looking back.

I then ran to the south wing. Then opened the doors to this dark beautiful living room that was to be my new home.
Sorry I haven't posted anything. I was at an anime convention!X3

A Snack under the Full Moon

I had won the game...even though I knew Shori had only LET me win. He constantly did stuff like that...try to hide motives behind games. It had been a long journey from our home...I was famished. So hungry, and Shori knew it. The full moon didn't help anything either. Just looking at Shori's bare neck before me seemed to awaken the hunger. I felt my eyes glowing....he was speaking...but all I could hear was the sound of his blood rushing around in his neck. Slowly, I revealed my fangs as I leaned in closer...

"Bon appetit..." He muttered in my ear, then added, "Don't make too much of a mess Mei..."

I licked his neck gently. Shori was completely still and relaxed, he didn't tense up at all, he sighed in expectation and then I plunged my fangs in. I felt as Shori's arms came up and tightened around me, his breathing short and ruptured in his ecstasy as I drank.

Perhaps this was a strength as well as a weakness...a double-edged sword. My thirst was always quenched by drinking Shori's blood. He was my beloved. The same could be said of his thirst...and thus...this is where it became a weakness. We refused to ever be parted...but if one of us were to die...then the other would die as well. A slow death, by not only intense grief and sorrow...but by starvation. For since we HAD found our beloved...we COULD NOT drink from another source again...this was it...there would be no substitution for the blood we had taken. I was Shori's only source of nourishment...and he was mine....by pledging ourselves to each other...we had chosen this path. But I didn't care, he was the only thing that mattered to me anyway...

I pulled away slowly...Shori was sweating a little...I had gone a little farther than usual. It was the moonlight...as it shown in through the curtains...I felt so....elated.... Scooting off of him, I allowed Shori to rise. He kneeled before me, staring straight into my eyes.

"Mei..." He lectured. "I told you not to make a mess..." Leaning in he licked the blood that had trickled down my chin all the way up to the edge of my mouth.

I smiled and stood up. Pulling him up in a swift motion, I shoved him against the wall near the bed. "Shori...it's your turn." I smirked and tilted my head to reveal my neck. "Drink up."

Shori's face grew intense...as it usually did when he was about to drink. He grabbed me by my shoulders and threw me onto the bed. I giggled a little as he leaned in and licked my neck fondly. Pulling away briefly, he looked me in the eyes again...then leaned back in for the bite. I closed my eyes slowly in anticipation. But instead of fangs...I felt the smoothness of his lips as they caressed my throat in a kiss.

"Sho...aren't you going to..."

"Not now Mei, you know as well as I...the Full Moon belongs to you." He whispered. "Let's just lie here for a bit...alright..."


We remained there in a tight embrace...if only just for a bit...

A man entered the room, stunned. "You...you spilt blood here..." He commented under his breath as he stood in the doorway. We both stood up to meet this new person. He was dressed in the role of a butler...but he was a vampire. Not a pureblood though...even if he DID carry a similar scent to that Jezabelle woman....

"Just who ARE you?" Shori asked stepping forward before me.

Just so you all know, I see a vampire bite being a very sensual thing. LOL, not painful but pleasureable--if you have ever seen Black Blood Brothers...then you are following perfectly. >:3

Jezabelle and love

I watched the goings on of the school, The trees at this time of the year were full and had enough cover for anyone to hide themselves. I obsevered Cat-girls speech to the human, He seemed strong and spoke like it. Yet his racing heart could be heard from a mile away and if he wished to speack like that to anyone he had better learn to control it.

I started back on my novel, but my attention was caught again to the gates, a fallen angel? could it be true? His deminour and self confidence, not to mention his grace when jumping down from the tree suggested he was more then human, and the fact that it was hard to distinguish what he was screamed Angel...

I had learnt to master my skills, as a pureblood must. He had no scent, no sweet aroma to catch on the wind.... a fallen angel, who would have thought.

I turned back to my book and began reading again, a lone figure walking towards my hiding spot. He walked with grace and arrogance, Wild hair dancing around in the wind which made him look half-man and half-beast. The blonde hair of his head was rough, uncut and yet even though it was such it looked... tamed....

"Sebastian, what do you think you are doing?" i asked as he leaned against the tree trying to act like it was not him.
"How did you know it was me cousin?" Sebastian asked as he turned back into his original self. The blonde hair turned into a light brown and seemed to shrink back into his skull, trimmed and perfectly styled into a conrtolled mess. His butler outfit replacing the furs and leather. Nails grew back into there neatly trimmed and polished places. Everything yelled perfect, tamed, controlled; unlike the conterpart he had taken up a few seconds before.

"You hair. You tamed it, yet your whole outfit stated i don't care about my looks. Simple mistake," Sebastian jumped and came to sit beside me on another branch, "Do not make the same mistake again." i threatened

"Yes cousin." of all the trees in this school he had picked the one that i now pearched in. He could find me in a second, miles away, it didn't matter. He protected me and was my unofficial body guard.

"What brings you to my side?" i watched as he combed a hand through his hair, making sure it was at pure perfection.
"My scouting is complete, unfourtunatly student information is confidential and i decided it best not to breach the rules before school begins."
"Understood." I watched as the angelic features of his face mantianed a clam even though i could sence and inner turmoil.

"What is wrong cousin?"
"I have gotten word from the Elders."
"That bag of decaying fools, what have they to say?"
"They instruct that we are to stay at this facility until the first holidays. We are not to go back until then."
"They do live to annoy." i had been anticipating going back home to recharge and eat before i had to fast at this desolate castle called school, but now the elders had forbidden it. Even though i was the ruler of the Oread clan they still controlled my actions... that was until i had mature. After my schooling was when they decided i would gain my full control. But until then i would have to wait.

Sebastian could shapeshift into anythigng and anyone.
My powers however.... Our clan was the inspiration for the mythical Mountain Nymphs of mythology the Oread's we were one with the land, the earth, nature....

"Cousin why did you shapeshift into HIM?"
"I thought you might want to be cheered up." that was my cousin he was the only one who knew whether i was sad or happy, and he made it his duty to ensure that i either stayed happy, cheered up... or didn't rip some fool apart from them failing not to realise i was in a bad mood.

I remained closed off, emotionless. I returned to my book and beagn reading again.
"Why would you think someone who is a complete opposite to me would cheer me up?"
"You know what they say.... opposites attract." my attentioned snapped back to him, a grin that was on his face dissapered as he saw my glare.

"Sorry cousin that was out of line. I shall go cheack the peramiters and establish where you room is and who you shall be rooming with. Along with where my room is and who I shall be rooming with so that you may know in an emergancy or if i am not at your side within a second of you wanting me there."

With that he left me alone to read my book. but his comment had shaken me. Sebastian was the one who always knew what i was trually feeling... had he know the that, that... GUY had... no even i did not know it... but was that the fascade of love??

No it couldn't be. I jumped down from my branch and began to walk towards the library, i needed to do a little research.