Hello and welcome to Hano academy!

I am headmasterAble Rutherford The VI.
And I am proud to say that Hano academy is back in business, and classes will be gain soon!

Hano academy is a school for Humans, Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Those that join now will be giving 500$.

That money is for what ever you wish or need for you rooms, missions, extra classes, Field trips and such.
But of course you are giving those thing depending on your status with out using any of your money too.^^

Mission are events that must be taken care of.
There not to be taken lightly! The higher status you Obtain the harder your missions will be.^^

But not all mission are for ever one. As I said before, this school is for Humans. Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Even so if you truly wish to go on a certain mission that is not for your race, you may make a request and the teachers and I will over look it.-_^
Field trip are for all that wish to come and have a good time! Hopefully...
Some are payed for and some you will have to pay.

Now for your rooms, I am sorry to say but do to my horrid writing there....Well.... Rather tiny...So tiny that I don't now how I will make you all get room mates!...So please don't get mad at your room mate for steeping on your bed to leave the room.... But! If you two save enough money you may be able to get a bigger room. It is 3.050$. Boy, those constrain workers are so pricey! And again, if your status is high I will pay one for you. Let's just hope I don't lose my wallet again or flush it down the toilet....

Money is untanned by missions.
There are other ways of obtaining it but you'll just have to figure out...

Members~ Name- Level- Money

Darkittylove-Clovis .V. Seliongrave

Support Kira -Shimei Aoitsuki/Raphael et Sinclair-35 (1.000)
Sacred Moon
Macaiah-Miruki Iroku2-(1.000)
Black kitty doll-Neo Dimetrin-1(1.000)
SojiRem Eliot Hackheart-7 (1.000)
Kill Sasuke -Jezabelle Oread-38 (1.000)
AtticusPersona -Shori Benitsuki/Brenin-7 (1.000)
Elix3r-Skylar Dreylah-10 (1.000)
Duo Maxwell02-Ocean Tide-3 (1.000)
cheriblosomchibi-Meridan Uzuke-12 (1.000)
Dark Smile-Makoto Megami- 7 (500)
Ancient One-Rei Kiba-8 (500)
Shin Shadow-Shadow Daemon-1(500)
Kawaiihoneybunny0-Fuwa Fuwa Tsuroiro-1(500)
Wolfdemonchild9 -Sammie Hikari 1-(500)
Sumirechan-Aura Nightshade2-(500)
Junkodeer- (500)

Teachers for your use~
Grim Reaper-Magic, Valla Valkyrie-PE,Flyt,assist weaponry, Hana Flor-Cook, Summoning, Roku Shinigami-Shape Shifting, Berit-Mecha, The Docter

Class Schedules, etc & Rooms, Classes

I will be around always, so if you need anything I'll be glad to help!^^

(Updates Every Monday)


I don't remember most of the meeting in all honesty...I....wasn't exactly "awake" to begin with. The whole thing is kinda just a haze to me. The next thing I knew, I was waking up near the end of the afternoon in Shori's dormroom. At first I had thought we'd missed the entire thing, but luckily I was wrong. Shori informed me of the content...all I need know at least.

"How immensely pointless...though I do like one part of this..." I voiced when he was through with his explanation.

"Really now, and which part would that be?" Shori smirked.

"Getting out of these stuffy academy grounds and out to explore a bit." He repeated in unison with me. Shori knew me far too well. I rolled my eyes and playfully hit him in the stomach.

"Seriously though...just what do they hope to achieve by sending us after the demon? They must KNOW we are strong enough to deal with it." I asked outright.

"Or perhaps they don't. Chances are, this is all a test. I'm also willing to bet it's not as simple as we are all set to assume." Shori conveyed. "Though, I am not worried in the slightest, naturally."

I smiled. "Of course not." I knew well just how strong Shori was, he had nothing to fear...from any race. Even I was a decent fighter, nothing special...but I could subdue a demon easily enough...at least I thought as much...

"Your problem is....you don't have enough faith in your own power Mei." Shori suddenly spoke out, he must've noticed my expression. Approaching, he gently rose my chin with his hand. "You are much stronger than even you realize..."

I smiled slightly and pulled away. I did...I doubted myself...

He sighed. "Anyhow, I have packed my things...we have to go to your room now to gather the rest, and then we should be just in time to depart."

"Understood." I smirked and headed for the door. "You don't think....SHE'LL be there though...do you?"

Shori gave me a nervous glance. "Actually, I'm almost completely sure she'll be there...she was almost as tired as you were after that meeting. Though...her....um...Sebastian didn't have to CARRY her."

I blushed a bit, I realized by his tone that he was playfully targeting me with that comment. Getting a quick idea, I grabbed Shori's shoulder, pulling him down to my level slightly. Leaning up with my mouth, I whispered in his ear lightly, "Race Ya." Then before he could register it I was gone. Off towards my dorm-room.

My small kitty plush flowed in the wind. There was no way Shori would beat me. Not with that luggage. Rounding the corner, almost knocking over several people that happened to get in my way, I didn't stop to even apologize. That would take far too long! I was almost there!!! And then....

"Oh Mei, when will you learn. You have to scope out the shortcuts first..." Shori lectured from the door.

My mouth dropped. "No way!! How did you beat me Sho!!" I shouted approaching him.

"Simple my dear, I took a shortcut." He smirked pointing at the roof. Of course...it had taken me much longer weaving through all the civilians... I narrowed my eyes at him, practically declaring my win in our next battle...uh...game.

"Don't worry about it, point is, we're here. Should we knock fir-"

Before he could finish his sentence I threw open the door. "This is my room too. There is no reason for such courtesies." I declared, though I did keep my voice down a notch...I noticed her sleeping. While I did not like this person...I wasn't about to intentionally be rude. -_- Slowly I began to shift through my stuff...still lying untouched in the corner. I'd only put a couple things away, until I'd gotten bored. >.>'

It was around this time that I heard her shifting around....she was waking up...I looked quickly from side-to-side....yes there was no avoiding it...confrontation was eminent at this point. I just sighed and waited....



It bothered me....so much. To be standing there listening to their plans...the plans that didn't include me at all...but yet...revolved around me. I knew the only reason they wanted to watch Adam so closely was because he'd declared me something he wished to "obtain". I hated being so powerless...I mean I knew if Adam was really serious there was nothing I'd be able to do about it. But still....I didn't like the thought of putting my beloved and close friend in line to DIE for me...Clovis had just said it. Neither of them would be able to fully DEFEAT Adam...

Shori held me tightly, and continued to plead me to stay out of it. Even as Clovis left, I could just stand there and hear Shori's words. I heard them...desperately wanted to follow them...and yet...something inside me would not 'accept' them. Yet, I did all I could to ease his mind...he was my only concern. I wouldn't have him worry on my behalf...but deep down...I wouldn't allow him to 'protect' me on his own either.

Following the exchange, we headed off to our homeroom. Weaponry and Defense. Immediately upon entering...I remembered him far more clearly. That man...Brenin...now I remembered EVERYTHING that face could tell. His eyes seemed to meet mine, one could never tell with him wearing those GLASSES all the time...I glared for a moment before nonchalantly gazing off in the opposite direction. I didn't care to hear any of his reasons for being here...my one and only thought...'He'd better leave Shori be'.

Yet as I took a seat, he obviously couldn't resist the urge to make contact. He knew how I hated socializing...

"Well well Princess, you're looking well." He snickered.

"Oh my! Brenin...THAT Brenin?!" I feigned ignorance. "Wow...can't believe you're still alive. What cave you been hiding in?" I smirked.

"Cave? Come now Princess, don't mistake me for one of YOUR kind. After all, caves are for bats." He sneered right back.

My eyes narrowed as I glared at him...a small hiss itching to escape my lips. "Well, I see you STILL haven't learned to mind that tongue of yours either..."

"Nor you." He quipped.

"Enough you two...it's about time for my nap...ugh...I mean for class to start..." Shori chimed in walking up.

"Hah! Don't even THINK about sleeping in my class...give me that much of an opening and I'll skin you alive!" Brenin commented in Shori's face.

"I'd like to see you try..." Shori yawned. "Never gonna happen man...you should just give it up already..."

I smiled, casting Brenin a vicious look of superiority. He didn't stand a chance against my Shori. I was about to say a bit more, when a smack echoed through the classroom. It snapped me back to the moment at hand, the bell had already rung and the classroom was full of Vampire Nobles. I scanned the crowd for the source of the slap first.

"What in the world...it's that...Sebastian guy..." I whispered to Shori.

Shori yawned again. "Man I swear...just BEING in a classroom makes me tired...as for them...who cares Mei. Just ignore it."

I smiled. "Alright. It's none of our concern anyway..." I told myself. Though I was a bit curious...he'd slapped a woman...was that HIS woman or something? Was she CHEATING on him?! A LOVE SCANDAL!!! No Mei....NO....calm down....don't let your curiosity control you....

Brenin took control of the situation before I could find out anymore, and class began. This would be...interesting.

Kira: Oh Mei...you DO know Curiosity KILLED the Cat right...
Mei: Nyaa? *innocent look*
Kira: *hand to face* You're doomed....

Left the whole discussion between Shori and Mei to you if you wish Atticus. ^-^

The Rose

Clovis seemed like he had something on his mind...his chords were completely off...like he wasn't putting ANY effort at all! When Shori asked him...he said it was nothing. Heh...I beg to differ! Snatching his violin, I held it away from him, "Nothing eh? Ha! Yeah right, you never play your violin that bad!" I shouted.

"Hey no! Give it back!" He whined, trying to avoid the subject.

"Not 'til you tell us what's on your mind." Shori ordered, casting a mischievous grin at me as I held his violin hostage.

Catching the smile, I propped it up and began to play it. One of Clovis's worse songs...but I knew it quite well. He hated when I taunted him with his worse song.

Finally he gave in...after he'd had enough torture. "Ugh! Fine, it's...well it's Adam...He's here."

THWANG! I nearly broke the string upon hearing the last part..."A-Adam....here?" I mumbled my eyes flying to Shori. His fists were clenched...and he was oddly quiet...all because of that night...it seemed like a long time ago...

-We hadn't been back in London for a long time...this was actually my first visit...but ever since Shori had been exiled he'd been reluctant to return. Something troubled him...I knew it had to do with those people. Those despicable purebloods...

Shori had insisted we visit his old friend. He wasn't exactly sure where to find him, so we'd wandered straight into the Seliongrave manor. The back way of course. Getting the attention of the first servant to cross our path, we sent them inside to fetch a man by the name of 'Clovis.' I remembered when I'd first met him...I actually "hated" him. Though I hadn't exactly been fair...I never was when it came to a pureblood. With them, it was always guilty until proven innocent with me.

"You're the infamous Shimei!" He'd spoken earnestly with a huge grin on his face. "I've already heard a lot about you, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"yes..." Was all I'd said. I'd turned my attention away from him...completely rejecting all his efforts...it wouldn't be for some time before I would TRULY acknowledge him as a friend. After all, he was lucky just 'meeting' me. I'd only gone THAT far for Shori's sake.

"I'm sorry Mei...I hate to do this...but Clovis has something to speak with me about. It'll just take a moment...but its..."

"Just go Shori. I'm a big girl...I can take care of myself." I'd stated stubbornly. I understood there was a history between them, or even that what Clovis had to impart could be a precious secret. I really didn't care either way...I would just wait patiently for Shori.

I waited in the vast rose garden of their estate. Looking up at the brilliant crescent moon...I couldn't help but to be entranced at my surroundings. I felt a sudden breeze from behind me, and excitedly I turned around. "Shori...look at the...uh..." I stopped mid-sentence, it was a lone figure. Only Clovis had returned. I watched as his silhouette approached me. "Clovis...where is Shori...so help me pureblood...if you'v-" I was silenced by his finger as he pressed it against my lip. Moving it down to my chin, he delicately lifted my face.

"My my...when did such a pretty little thing decide to grace my garden with her beauty?" He spoke gently...the vibes he was giving me...started to make me a little nervous.

"Take that filthy hand off me...you've no right..."

"What's that...a rose through and through I see. Have you not only beauty...but you speak in thorns..." He snickered. Walking a bit away, he grabbed and ripped a rose from the nearest bush. "For you...rose."

I turned to the side...yet he insisted I take it... "Clovis...answer my question. Where is Shori!"

"This Shori...he is your 'lover'?"

I blushed, unsure of just how to answer that. We'd always been together...but that part of our relationship was sacred...I wasn't so quick to brag...to any...much less a 'pureblood'. Besides...Clovis was supposed to be one of Shori's closest friends...why would he be asking me such a...unless.... "You are not Clovis..." I muttered by accident.

He rushed me, causing me to grip the rose...so hard the thorn pricked me...drawing blood. I winced, but covered up the pain. "You are very clever, little rose...not many can tell what you have discovered." He spoke quietly...inching ever closer. Taking my hand, he licked the blood away as my wound slowly closed. Then grabbing me by my waist he pulled me close to him in an embrace. "Leave behind your 'Shori'...come with me...be mine...my wise rose."

Both my hands against his chest, I tried to push myself away...but found it increasingly difficult...he was persistent. "You know NOTHING about me...let go...you're no one....NOTHING next to my Shori..." I grumbled trying to break free.

"Don't fight it...I am a pureblood...you know if I TRULY wished to make you mine it would be a simple matter of-" He mumbled with his mouth next to my ear.

"I said...let Go!" I struggled, not letting him finish that sentence...I knew...I...despised purebloods...my eyes started to well up with tears of my frustration. Frustration at the utter futility. "....please...just let me go..."

Suddenly I found myself in Shori's arms. I didn't see how it'd happened...but I didn't care. I grabbed onto him...not wanting to let him go. "Shori...Shori...." I mumbled repeatedly.

"It's alright Mei...I'm here..." He spoke soothingly.

"Adam! What were you thinking?!" Clovis called out from beside Shori. "How dare you-"

"Come now baby brother, I meant no harm. I was just having a bit of fun is all." He laughed it off, his hand was bleeding though...I could smell it... "Quite the little princess you have there...Shori."

"You'd do well to keep your distance." Shori growled, if not for me...he'd be in all out combat...I could feel his intense lust for battle...it was surging through him.

"Haha...well...we'll see now won't we?" Adam snickered. "After all, I do as I please. No low-level Noble is going to tell me just WHO I'm allowed to pursue. YOU'D do well to remember that."

With that he was gone. Vanished into thin air. Clovis had apologized repeatedly for his brother's behavior...but back then...I couldn't help but feel anxious about the ominous way in which Adam had departed. Something inside me...was afraid. -

"What does he want here Clovis? He CAN'T be a student...or would he truly come here to torment you that way..." I asked quickly.

"I don't know what he wants...but I get the feeling it's not something GOOD." Clovis confirmed.

"I don't care what he wants. I said it before and I'll say it again." Shori interjected. "He'd better watch himself...and keep his distance. That is-if he knows what's good for him."

I looked at Sho with concern-filled eyes. I just hoped nothing would happen to him...especially not on account of me...

Kira: o>O SHIMEI!! Look at you...attracting purebloods...
Shimei: Unwanted affections...I assure you...
Kira: But still...
Shimei: I've no need for any but Shori...
Kira: I KNOW!.....you say that OVER AND OVER!
Shimei: *daydreams about Shori and tunes Kira out...*

-Anyway! You may continue if you like Kairi or Atticus! Have a blast! lol-

A Small Dream of the Past-And Waiting...

I listened very closely to the sound of Shori's breathing...it never changed. He was lying beside me with no intention of finding rest...and yet...all I could do was grip on to his shirt with all my might...as slowly sleep took me. I was drug against my will...into the black abyss of sleep.

-I was playing the piano, my mother had insisted. One of the rare occurrences where she was actually home. Her and father were always gone...but no...this time they were having one of their grand gatherings, to celebrate a successful business venture in one way or another. This was the only time they would pay attention to me...to show me off to their friends and colleagues for my "musical gift". I almost began to hate playing...almost....

I finished the song, and standing politely I bowed to all those who looked on at me. Ignoring them as they all whispered words of silent praise and expectations, I retreated as I usually did out to the flower garden, I found a batch of moon flowers...just about to bloom under the full moon that night. I watched in awe...as always. Each birth of the flowers was special to me...they intrigued me immensely. So much so...I hadn't even heard him approach.

"Your music is really beautiful...I would really like to hear you play again sometime..."

I turned in disgust. "Yeah well...tou-!" I stopped. He was smiling at me gently...and more importantly, around my age. I'd never seen him before in my life. "Wait...who are you? There's never anyone my own age...I'm always alone...always..."

At this he came closer. "Well, how about this...if you promise to play for me again...I'll never leave you alone..."

I had looked up at him in utter shock and disbelief. Never in my life had anyone said such a thing...I opened my mouth to speak...and then I jolted up in my bed.

"SHORI!" I screamed. As I thought, he was gone. I heard a bell chime, and desperately I searched for the current time. The sun was still up...only now slowly beginning it's descent. Still quite awhile from sunset though. If I recalled...the first class was music. Just about sunset...at 5 o'clock or something.

I didn't know what to do now...should I go after Shori...no...I had to let him do what he needed to do. I couldn't interfere. No matter how badly I wanted to...

Rolling over, I lay there in Shori's bed...just waiting for him to come back to me. Waiting with as much patience as I could possibly muster...


Okay, so I doubt Shimei will be able to wait TOO LONG...you know how her curiosity kills her. LOL But perhaps Shori will be back before she heads out in search of him. XD

Roommate-the first unpleasant encounter

It hadn't been long before Clovis had to leave us. Shori had put his arm around me, and we sat in silence for some time.

"Well, before classes start...I suppose we should check the message board. The notice did say our roommates would be posted up shortly." Shori announced suddenly. "If I'm lucky, I'll be roomies with Clovis." He looked over at me and smirked. "That would work out rather well...no one to question to why I'm not in my own room."

I laughed a bit...then a horrible realization came to me. "Wait...that room...it was so tiny...I couldn't possibly have a roommate!"

Shori ruffled my hat and laughed. "It's true...we are all pampered nobles through and through I suppose..."

We made our way to the notice board. And then...I had a realization much WORSE than the first...not only was the room....tiny...but I would be sharing it with the WORST of all...

"Jezabelle Oread." Shori read aloud. "Wait...isn't that..."

"Yes...it's the woman we met upon our arrival...the PUREBLOOD..." I confirmed. "This should be against the rules...purebloods are well...purebloods! No offense to Clovis...but..." I sighed. "Whatever...I'll deal with it for now...but the first insulting remark she gives me...and she'll regret her school life here. I'll make it a living hell for her...somehow..."

"Mei." Shori stated with a firm look. "Try to get along...I know you find it difficult to associate with purebloods...but please...don't do something foolish."

I sighed once more. "Like I said...I will deal with it...anyway, who's YOUR roommate Shori?"

"Looks like it's that Sebastian guy...just like he'd said." Shori replied. "Hey, they share the same family name. Did you notice that...but that Sebastian...he was clearly a noble. Quite odd...don't you agree?"

I smiled maliciously. "An opening! That's it...I can handle this...I'm sure of it!"

"What's going through that head of yours?" Shori spoke with uncertainty in his tone.

"Oh nothing...I'm just thinking...a pureblood is a pureblood...and a noble is a noble...that's all." I smirked. "She'd just better leave me be...that's all I can say."

When we were through looking at the message board, we walked to my room. I was a bit tired, having to be up so early for the gathering...so I was actually looking forward to getting some good rest before classes that night. We found the specified room...001....All of my things were already in there...which was quite odd...but I went with it.

"You should get some rest Mei..." Shori stated looking at me with a concern-filled gaze.

I smiled. "I will, but you know I hate sleeping alone...the way you say that...it's like you're going to leave..."

"Nonsense." He rebuked. However...there was still a tinge in his tone...he was lying. Probably going to wait until I fell asleep...then go off who knows where. I wondered if it had to do with that man...why did that MAN look SO familiar! Why couldn't I place him?! Oh well...I would let Shori do as he thought best.

"Alright then...I suppose we should..." I began...the door opened.

Standing in the doorway...a low growl emerged from Jezabelle, "You..."

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath. "I have a proper name. I suppose you know it as well. We're roommates...don't you even have enough etiquette to 'greet' me properly? Or weren't you taught well where YOU grew up?"

Her fists clenched and I was sure she was angry. "I could ask you the very same thing...Aoitsuki. Never in my existence have I heard a Noble speak such disrespect to a Pureblood!"

"Sorry, hierarchy doesn't interest me. No matter WHO you are...you have to EARN my respect..." I growled back.

"Lady Jezabelle Oread, perhaps we got off to a bad start here." Shori stated coming forward. "Please forgive Shimei here...she and I do not have the best history when it comes to...."

"SHORI!" I shouted.

"MEI." He stated firmly. He gave me a glare...the likes of which I hadn't seen for quite awhile...I fell silent knowing the conversation would only continue to escalate if I did otherwise. "I trust even you would pardon her in this instance, if only to salvage the thin ice of a relationship the two of you have already established. After all...from the looks of things, you ladies are roommates."

I crossed my arms and looked away. Why did it have to be this way? I hated it. "Fine. I'm SORRY Lady Oread! I beg you not to take any offense..." I growled, my tone filled to the brim with sarcasm as I curtsied to her...more out of a show of DISRESPECT...than actual sincerity. Rising, I walked right past her and out the door, not even waiting for her response.

Stomping down the hall, it was quiet for a bit. And then, "Mei, you must be more cautious...you usually don't act this way...don't you realize how much you just worried m-" Shori began.

"I know Shori...I don't know what happened...I just can't stand it. All the purebloods think our lives don't make a speck of difference. Well I'll have you know, OUR families funded this academy JUST as Handsomely as theirs! I will NOT stand for being treated insolently...like some common vampire. I am NOBILITY, and I'm quite able to make my own choices!"

Shori laughed, causing me to look back at him in near tears. He came up to me and brushed my cheek. "No need for tears Mei, I'm not laughing at your thoughts...your feelings. I just find it ironic, that's all..."

Still pouting, I turned my head away muttering, "What?"

"Well, we are able to make our own choices...and yet...we were FORCED to this school against our will. That's all." He stated and continued laughing.

Unable to argue any further, and feeling the weight of exhaustion bearing down upon me, I retreated to Shori's room. His roommate wasn't there, but I really didn't care. We laid down, and gripping onto Shori tightly...I slowly fell asleep...but I knew...knew he would leave me...I just hoped HE didn't do anything...questionable.
