My first Class

I sat in the front row, in the middle of the classroom. Waiting for my teacher to apper. Our class was to begin shortly and Sebastian continued to stay in the classroom 'watching over' me. He was at the back of the room standing as straight as a pole near the windows.He had placed my bag down near my feet when i had sat down and then walked to the back of the room. I had thanked him and told him to go to his class room but he seemed content in staying in this room.

I leaned down and grabbed the tablets out of my back, placing them on my desk i looked over my shoulder at sebastian.
"You can leave if you wish cousin."
"I am fine. Plus, you and I both know how you get when James is around. I do not want you making a bad impression on your teacher when he first enters... like you did with our music teacher." Sebastian smiled and then looked out the window.

"That was an accident. It could have happened to anyone."
"Yes, but it happen to YOU and to JAMES. So i believe i should stay here for just another moment."
"Understood cousin."

The time ticked on and it was mere moments before class was to begin. I heard footsteps echoing all around the school. The Vampires were awake, and they were going to their classes. The door opened and i looked up at the pureblood that entered, roughly my height he walked in and looked around.

His pure black hair ended at his shoulders, i stared into his cherry red eyes as they seemed to entice me. To me they looked like small pools of blood that had been masterfully placed in his eyes to tempt a hungry vampire like myself.... Even though i had already eaten what seems only moments ago, Sebastains blood never filled me. IT was nothing like the smell of a pureblood's blood like myself.

I had smelled it once. The day James had come to our clans door. He had been covered in his blood and others... it was the most amzing smell i had ever smelled. The taste of the delicious scent of blood seemed to radiate in my mouth.....

"Good evening. My name is Clovis Seliongrave. Nice to meet you."
"Evening." i raised to my full height and bowed my head slightly in his direction, "My name is Jezabelle Oread. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Same here."
As he came closer the door opened again. I looked in the direction of the door out of instinct, i already knew who it was... Such an arua was unmistakable... ANGEL. My teacher had arrived.

"Mr. Oread. Your class has already started i suggest you attend it. None of these teachers like it when one of their students is late."
"Do not worry sir. I will not be late."
"I highly doubt that Brenin would appriciate a late student. Now hurray up Mr. Oread."
"Yes sir." Sebastian bowed, then taking a quick look in my direction jumped out the window and before i knew it was gone. Speed was one of our strengths With Earth being our main power we were able to obtain finominol speeds when we ran on the ground.

"Miss. Oread, Mr. Seliongrave, Please take your seats."

I took my seat and sat silently inspecting my teacher. His blonde hair was long, covering his eye in an almost mysterious way, and his wings.... They were the most facinating of the lot.

As Mr. et Sinclair began with his lecture the door crashed open as James stood in the doorway.

"Sorry sir.... I ummmm, Didn't want to come to this class but that fairy teacher chick made me come... or otherwise i'd have to do double my detention, so could you like sign SOMETHING to say that i came here."
"No i shall not. You will sit down, pay attention then i will THINK about telling Ms. Flor of your attendance."
"Who the hell is Ms. Flor???"
"Ms Flor, is the Fairy teacher that you so disrespected."
"ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you do that then, i'm gonna go do something fun." James headed for the door but was stopped as our techer grabbed the back of his collar and chucked him into his seat.

"Now you will fasten your buttons, fix up your coat, pay attnetion and NEVER be late to my class again. Do you understand me Mr...." he looked at his roll to find James's last name but by the sound of it he couldn't find one.

"James, sir. Just James." somehow James smiled brightly at this and continued to lounge in his chair. His shirt was half open, with only the last few buttons done up, he had no tie to speak of and his coat sleeves were rolled up or torn and his pants already had creases in them. Then to top it off he had sneakers on instead of the needed formal black shoes. I turned away from him and looked back at my teacher.
