Noble classes


I exited Jezabelle's classroom and ran with speed to my own. The bell had yet to ring and i jumped to the second floor and in through the window to my classroom. There were several nobles already in the class along with our teacher. He merely raised his eyebrows slightly and contunied to sit down watching the class. I steped into the classroom and fixed my uniform to sit straight. walking to the back of the classroom i came to Alice's seat.

"James has not disobeyed the rules and has remained within the grounds at all times."
At this i slapped her and glared at her eyes.
"LAIR. He has been outside theses grounds and he is bound to have disobeyed the rules."
"" she stuttered in a small voice.

"MR. OREAD. SIT DOWN and don't hit other students unless i tell you to."
I looked over at The teacher lounging on the chair. Then back to Alice.
"Keep a better eye on him, or it will be the last thing that the elders will know of.Understood?"
"Yes Master Oread."

I sat down and watched as the last of our Noble vampire class entered. our class to begin shortly.... I had heard that this teacher had instructed that his studnets try to break their desk. I however would be disinclined to accline to his aquiest.

I sat and was lectured by our teacher... how was i to know where our class was!!! It was crazy that i was getting in trouble, i mean it was that stupid fairies fault for making me stay and clean the stupid dishes. Of all thing i had to clean after myself....

But then again.. How does someone get meat mince on the roof??? i had been standing there for a while trying to thikn of how to get the roof clean and the fairy... WHO HAD WINGS decided i had to try and clean it myself... i stil have NO clue why she didn't help me... i SERIOUSLY didn't like this teacher... and i didn't like the one infront of me either... he droned on for a while and i almost went to sleep...until he slapped the back of my neck with a ruler!!


