
"What does he want here Clovis? He CAN'T be a student...or would he truly come here to torment you that way..." Shimei quickly spoke.

"I don't know what he wants...But... I get the feeling it's not something GOOD." I then said.

"I don't care what he wants." Shori began. "I said it before and I'll say it again. He'd better watch himself...and keep his distance. That is-if he knows what's good for him."

It was obvious that Shori was not pleased to hear this news. But he should know of it none the less. I just hoped nothing bad would happen to this school do to something Adam caused or Shori... We talked a bit more about the matter and decided to have him watched when ever possible, day and night.

"You take watch him in the day and I'll take the night. Ok Clovis?"Said Shori.

"Yeah, that should be good." I answered.

"Hey! aren't you guys forgetting someone?!" Shemei said a bit confused. "what about me? I can help to you know."

"No. I don't want you to."

"But Shori... You two need to sleep sometime. Then I'll watch him too."

"Shimei." I spoke be for Shori could respond. "I agree with Shori. You should help, at lest not on this matter. I've lived long enough with him to know that he is not like your normal pureblood. I alone can't even stop him and even with Shori we can not fully defeat him."

Shori got up form sitting on the stage, walked up to Shimei and hugged her tightly. "Please don't help on this...I don't want anything to happen to you. I couldn't bare it if something happened to you."

I thought they needed to be by themselves at bit, so I smiled and said.

"Well I'm going to get ready for class then. See you two later" and left the room.

I walked down the hallways of the school, watching all the other students there going to there classes or just walking around talking to each other. Minding

their own business. Then I saw the woman from the front desk coming towered me. Did I forget something..? I thought.

"Clovis .V. Seliongrave?"


"You are to attend a meeting tomorrow at 2pm in the meeting room." She tolled me.

"Alright, I will do so." I answered.

And with that she left heading where Shori and Shemei were. Some time passed and it was now time for my class. So I went to my room, completely ignoring Adam

that was on my bed eating junk food and messing it up, I got my things and left to the class room. When I got there I looked around to find a place to sit

when I found a spot I then turned my attention to a young woman that was staring at me. Something about her seemed different from the others...

"Good evening. My name is Clovis .V. Seliongrave. Nice to meet you." I said to her.

She got up off her seat and bowed her head a bit as she said, "Evening. My name is Jezabelle Oread. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Same here." I said with a smile.

Just then the teacher came in. I turned to look at him, it was that Angel from before. I had forgotten that he would be teaching this class. He spoke to this Sebastian then tolled us to take our seats. I bowed my head to Jezabelle then sat down behind her. The angel began his lecture when James came in. They talked a bit then the Angel continued to teach his class

I wonder if I can talk to her after class... I thought to myself waiting for class to end.

Sorry It's short... I can really think...XD I was going to do something with Adam but couldn't come up with anything.

Please continue any one!
